3 Interior Designers Transform The Same Home Office Space | Space Savers | Architectural Digest

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We gave interior designers Lula Galeano, Laura Hodges, and Alvin Wayne a photo of the same home office space - then asked each of them to create a design for it in their particular style, however they pleased. Three artists, one canvas, each bringing something different to the space. See which designer comes closest to creating your ideal home office.

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Director: Jasia Kaulbach
Director of Photography: Kevin Dynia
Editor(s): Shandor Garrison
Talent: Alvin Wayne, Laura Hodges, Lula Galeano
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Senior Producer: Alyssa Marino
Producer: Joel David Ahumada
Associate Producer: Josh Crowe
Field Associate Producer: Brandon Fuhr
Production Manager: Melissa Heber
Production Coordinator: Fernando Davila, Julie Suronen
Camera Operator: Zach Eisen
Gaffer: Gautam Kadian
Audio: Brett Van Deusen
Production Assistant: Patrick Sargent
Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant
Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen
Assistant Editor: Andy Morell
Graphics Supervisor: Ross Rackin
Graphics, Animation, VFX: Sam Fuller
Special Thanks: Reeba Mehdi and the Team at Space Joy

Designer Portfolio Pictures provided by:

0:00 Meet The Designers
1:04 Walls And Shelving
3:37 Flooring
5:29 Windows
6:49 Furniture
10:46 Lighting
12:05 Art And Decor
14:13 Final Thoughts
15:10 Designer Talk

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Super cool to watch how three designers turned a home office into a hotel room, a living room, and a home office.


The 'Green Room' is very inspiring, and I now have more respect for a darker color as I thought it was a bad choice at first for a small space. By far the best IMO. Great job!


I feel like Laura is the only one that made an actual office. I don't know why Lula would think to put a hot azz fireplace in a small room and Alvin made the room feel so congested.


Im surprised none of them did a bigger window for more lighting. I’d do the window wall into a whole wall window


They need to have interior design shows like they have cooking shows because i could watch this all day. Many of the shows can be designed to be exactly the same but for interior designers.


Laura is the only one who honestly came in to slay the assignment. It's easy for some designers to get carried away with their concepts when there is no budget to work with. Great job Laura!


Laura did an amazing job, clever choices and keeping productivity in mind while sticking to the brief.
Lula was like "all the office stuff is out of the frame, trust me bro"
Alvin is just out here ignoring the point of the video itself haha


One of the first things I learned in interior design school was functionality needs to go before aesthetics. If your space isn’t going to function then it being beautiful doesn’t really matter. And lula and Alvin, while beautiful, created spaces that weren’t functional. Laura’s space is so functional and also beautiful. Sure, she didn’t pull in a day bed or fireplace, but those aren’t needed and just clutter up the space


Alvin and Lula lost me a bit by moving the window: that is not often an option in remodeling interior space, and it seemed so impractical as to be a “cheat” on the design constraints. I liked the color scheme of Lula’s room best, but I think Laura designed the best office workspace. Great video.


For me Laura's home office was the best by far. In Lula's I was just thinking about the back of a person who just works with the laptop over the lap


Im surprised none of designs featured a wall folding desk. Love all the spaces but Laura’s feels the most functional and where I would get the most work done.


I do feel like Laura was the only one who was realistic. Like if when you call an interior designer, he will magically move your window and put a fireplace???? This is almost impossible without intensive change to your whole house.


I hope someone purchases a piece of art from Lulu's friends. She worked hard highlighting their pieces, but the room wasn't an office space. Alvin, sir, that was the hippest guest room ever but office space, no. Laura created an office space. She clearly understood the assignment.


We need a real, human, working middle class person to grade these because I want points deducted for moving windows, lack of desk, random daybed nobody asked for, etc. Like it would look beautiful in a magazine but that's where it ends for everyone except Laura. Shout out Laura.


My take away: someone created a good small guest bedroom, someone made a nice office, and someone mad a nice small apartment living room lol


I absolutely love Laura's design!!! It's a classy, cozy, and extremely practical working office. Alvin's is way more about design than function. Lula doesn't get that not everyone just lounges around with a laptop; many people do actual paperwork, or art, or research, or any number of creative functions that absolutely require a decent sized work area.


alvin and luna frustrate me so much bc of their way of designing. Laura is literally bringing life to the original sample with her design, her blueprint always harmonises with my idea of interior design 🧡


Laura's was my favorite because it was functional and had character. I love how Laura and Alvin found something that resonated with each other's and Lula's designs. I noticed Lula laughed at the other designers work and focused on some obscure corner of Alvin's design. Speaks volumes.


Alvin's choice of colours and patterns make my eyes hurt, too many things clashing
Oh dear Lula, you were told to design a home office and you turned it into a living room? People work on their laptops doesn't mean they don't need a desk. Also what's up with the fireplace in such a tiny room?
Laura makes sensible design choices. Watching her in the other videos of this series I felt like she doesn't experiment much in terms of colour. Refreshing to see her make an interesting colour choice and a practical design where people can actually work.
