Government Destroys Marriages by Giving Welfare - Thomas Sowell #short

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Government Destroys Marriages by Giving Welfare - Thomas Sowell #shorts
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I have heard this described as the oldest law of economics:

If you tax anything, the free market will produce less of it. If you subsidize anything, the free market will produce more of it.

Let's stop subsidizing fatherlessness.


Yep. Paying women to have kids and keep the fathers out of the homes is making sure they grow up in poverty.


Single parent homes are slowly unfolding disasters for all involved.


Simple logic! People want to be taken care of, but not told what to do. Can’t have it both ways.


He’s so right. I got married at 21 and a lot of old school friends already had kids and left the fathers. Of course the same system was in play here at that time. Paying people to stay in a single parent family and make them poor if they stay together. This plan has been brewing the last 40 years. There’s plenty more examples of their doings but I don’t have time. I gotta go. Trump✊


I just heard there are a bunch of hottie single moms in Iceland!


Iceland has the lowest povertyrate of all oecd countries. The USA is second worst.


Stop comparing apples with pines! "Of the children of unmarried mothers, 74% were born to mothers in registered cohabitation and 26% to noncohabiting mothers. Hence, in 2015, 18% of all children were born to mothers that were neither married nor cohabiting (Statistics Iceland, n.d.a).1 There were 80, 683 families2 in Iceland as of 1 January 2017, and 56% of these were couples with children under 18 years of age. Of all families with children, 49% were married couples, 23% cohabiting couples, 3% single fathers and 25% single mothers (Statistics Iceland, n.d.a)."Guðný Björk Eydal: Policies and practices for single parents in Iceland. The Triple Bind of Single-Parent Families
Resources, Employment and Policies to Improve Wellbeing
Edited by Rense Nieuwenhuis and Laurie C. Maldonado, 2018.


Some of this seems off. In Iceland it looks like 70% of couples don’t get married but they are not single parent homes. Anyone know the actual rate of single parent homes there?
