How a Single Line Changed the Way We Talk About Avatar...

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We are talking about Avatar the Last Airbenders good writing. I’ve watched this series with both adults and a room full of 10 year old, I’m a teacher, I’ve taught writing at various grade levels
And we are looking at Avatar’s near-perfect introduction.
A good introduction in writing needs to do one of two things, get you intrigued by the characters or the world, ideally both in fantasy writing.
And that brings us to the point of the video, how Katara’s single line, is so clever and proactive. “It’s not magic it's Water Bending”

Avatar the Last Airbender Shows us how to create likable and interesting characters. It goes unsaid how much Sokka’s Nay saying attitude carries the entire introduction of the show.
Without it, the momentum of the jokes would fall flat. Sokka is so crucial to the first episode because at this point he is by far the most relatable.

#avatarthelastairbender #avatar #videoessay #review
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i never noticed that even after so many years ive never called bending magic! thats so cool that they thought it out so well that my mind never associated it with magic


Fine, I’ll rewatch ATLA and LOK again


i a sense bending is "super powers"....despite it being used as an extension of a martial art...a person cannot simply train to become a bander...your either born with the ability or your not. (with a few very specific exceptions).
