HBOT Protocol For Infections

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What is the protocol for off label infection control with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)? How much pressure and for how long?
I believe as we look through this category of off label infection control, we can also just view what pressures of oxygen we need also through the same lens of severity and intensity that we’ve discussed in other videos.
So when dealing with these off label conditions we can be talking about mild pressures 1.3, 1.5, all the way up to 1.75 or even 2.0. in rare cases For these off label conditions, we may go above 2.0. But please look at this with more intensity because the lower the pressure we use, the more frequency and duration we're likely going to need in order to achieve the results that we're looking for. The more severe the infection is, the more damage the infection is doing, the more pressure we should consider using.
So, this isn't to give you the protocol for each of those infections, because that is going to be HIGHLY individual. What I want you to understand is the thought process to go through when treating these conditions.
I hope that this was helpful. It’s important to understand how to take an on label concept, how to pull those mechanisms of action, how to really understand what those mechanisms are, and how to apply that to an off label case.
DISCLAIMER: Dr. Sonners does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead he helps people better understand their health and ways to address health problems and promote well-being. Make sure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications.
These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual.
You can get certified in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy! We've created a one-of-a-kind course for functional medicine practitioners and technicians that's accredited through IBUM.
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#HyperbaricOxygenTherapy #HBOTUSA #shorts
I believe as we look through this category of off label infection control, we can also just view what pressures of oxygen we need also through the same lens of severity and intensity that we’ve discussed in other videos.
So when dealing with these off label conditions we can be talking about mild pressures 1.3, 1.5, all the way up to 1.75 or even 2.0. in rare cases For these off label conditions, we may go above 2.0. But please look at this with more intensity because the lower the pressure we use, the more frequency and duration we're likely going to need in order to achieve the results that we're looking for. The more severe the infection is, the more damage the infection is doing, the more pressure we should consider using.
So, this isn't to give you the protocol for each of those infections, because that is going to be HIGHLY individual. What I want you to understand is the thought process to go through when treating these conditions.
I hope that this was helpful. It’s important to understand how to take an on label concept, how to pull those mechanisms of action, how to really understand what those mechanisms are, and how to apply that to an off label case.
DISCLAIMER: Dr. Sonners does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead he helps people better understand their health and ways to address health problems and promote well-being. Make sure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications.
These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual.
You can get certified in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy! We've created a one-of-a-kind course for functional medicine practitioners and technicians that's accredited through IBUM.
✨ To inquire about Hyperbaric Chamber 💰Purchases and Rentals:
📞 833-620-8100
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NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support!
#HyperbaricOxygenTherapy #HBOTUSA #shorts