Bboy Conditioning & Strength Exercises for Beginners | Bboy Tutorial | How to Breakdance

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Bboy / Breakdance Conditioning Tutorial
Focusing on basic Bboy Strength & Stability for Beginners

* Position Zero (1:02)
* Transfering Your Weight Using Your Inner Knuckles (1:36)
* Single Leg Shoot Outs (2:09)
* Position Three (3:15)
* How to Push Up correctly (3:33)
* 4 Favorite Push-Up Hand Placements for Breakin' Strength (4:21)
* How to Plank properly (5:33)
* 19 Variations Of Plank (6:15)
* Advanced level? Try my 5-minute plank Challenge! (6:15)

Basic Conditioning: Week 1 of 4

There is no better substitute than practicing the move or step itself although you can shorten your learning time whilst reducing the risk of injury.
For the acquisition of many moves, movement and steps, your body will find it easier by being fit and familiar with similar tasks.
Conditioning as a Bboy is now a massive part of my training as it allows me to make faster progress in my dance especially during times where it's hard to find training space. I started really taking my 'strength & stability' seriously after my injuries became too frequent which was preventing me from taking myself to a higher level.
If you give some of these a try for a week or two, I'd love to know how your body feels when dancing. Let me know in the comments section or message me on some of my other social media platforms. I truly hope this is helpful for those just starting out and fun for those who fancy a challenge!

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Welcome to my Bboy / Breakdance tutorials! For all levels, beginner, intermediate and advanced, covering Toprock, Footwork, Freezes & Power Moves.

Sup peeps, I'm Bboy AJ-47, an original & senior member of the UK's best and most notorious Bboy crew, Soul Mavericks! 🇬🇧

I've put together B boying tutorials, Bboy workout and all sorts of "Bboy hacks & How To's" because I want to share all over the world the secrets and valuable Bboy training my crew was lucky enough to receive from our Mentor, DJ Renegade and Bboy Storm early on. 🌍

Bboy tutorals: What are the about?
I'll be covering Bboy Workout Conditioning & Strength exercises. Bboy Battle tips, effective Bboy training skills and of course, the fundamentals (B boying dance steps for beginners & advanced.) 💡

These can be in the forms of:
breakdance tutorials, demonstrations to help feed your creativity, Bboy fitness training in the forms of programming & structure or a "follow along!". 💪😅

Which type of tutorals do you prefer?
Let me know in the comments ✍🏼👇🏼

Best of luck!

Stay Fresh!

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Be advised:
As a Bboy or Bgirl, dancing in this style (Breakin’ / Breakdance) comfortably can take time, hard work and discipline. Harder moves should not be attempted until you master your ‘Basics’ in Toprock, Footwork & Freezes. Make sure you attempt these tutorials in an open space, I am not responsible for any acquired injuries, muscle soreness or any broken furniture. Please be aware of your surroundings and your body at all times. Should you require any further assistance you can email me about a working or private lessons.

Before you practice:

1. Get your heart rate up: Always take your time to warm up your entire body.

2. Mobilize your joints and muscles transitioning into a light stretch

3. Optional but recommended mild conditioning of the muscles surrounding the Wrists, Shoulders, Knee, Ankles, and most importantly, Core.
Рекомендации по теме

Im practicing bboy for 10 im ready to take part in 2024 bboy olympics in france...hope i will meet you there mate🙂💪


Im 42, a mum, and not really cool at all. Started break dancing classes three weeks ago. Never smiles, never laughed and never enjoyed doing something so much. Realised how weak/unfit I actually am but really want to get better at it. This is mint (as us Geordies say). Going to make this part of my daily practice. Thanks man


I’m gonna be so badass after quarantined over


Great tutorial! I’m trying to break again after 10 years, so basically I’m a beginner again. This is very helpful, since I dance on my own now and I’m not in a great shape anymore. Thank you for posting this!


I’m that kind of person who has not commented on any of the several thousands of videos I watched in the last decade. I really got to say this video is the most important asset a beginner bboy who has just started can get on YouTube. I swear all other people are teaching so called beginner moves that a beginner can never do without first learning what you told the real basics. Until the body is not capable of doing something no matter how hard working you are it’s just not possible. I just want to say I love you and your channel because from where I come there’s not a single public place where one could learn all this so the best teacher I can get is you also new sub here yo 😋


I'm currently making a part 2 of this video! Let me know what you need help with as a beginner!


been dancing for since 2008 and recently got back into the art after so many years of going to the gym and that feeling of being stiff is not great going into your 30s feel like i am getting more out of these work outs than doing weights thanks again. and feeling great after these exercises


is it weird that i'm a girl that likes this type of stuff? ;-;
but DAMN i am gonna work on this everyday thanks!


I really want to come back to a real breakdance practice and this tutorial helps a lot that is so inspiring! This is exactly how my amazing bmasters taught me how to work efficiently. (Short out to bboy Laos and Bruce Wayne 😍)
I will definetly include your video to my daily routine (plus the tracks and the 100 daily six steps!)


Yo Im lovin this. Im 50 Yrs old from the Bronx one of the 67 babies. and I love the Culture to the heart, but the most closest to me is BBoying ALWAYS. even as an EmCee starting out i was still entering competitions when i moved to Cali in 83. Now with wife and kids i need a nice workout i can enjoy and what better than BBoy Drills and Conditioning. Much Love for these Vids Brotha. ill be doing these Daily


Yo these tutorials are awesome! So much information in just one vid, keep it up!


Thank you for giving back your knowledge to the community. Hands down one of the best bboying channels


Awesome... I just had a flashback from the 80s working on combos tell 3am in the morning under the Street lights... that moment when your surfing the net for a strength and conditioning program and you see this ... it really hit home.... thanks for sharing


Hey man thanks! Your tutorial is very descriptive and insightful I really appreciate it!


I have questions about this Tutorial:
How many times at week i shuold do this exercises? What if I dance every day? I should make this exercises after training or give a break? And my last question: which typep of this exercises i should make? All of them?


I've started doing hiphop but I never really gotten to breaking that much but I know its something that is good to learn especially with the upper body.


Hey this is great. It’s a lot to keep in my memory though so I bet if you made a follow along style tutorial a lot of us would be incredibly grateful.


Thank you for this! I’ve been wanting to get fit and get into breakdancing so this is the perfect tutorial!!


Those planks are wild. Not sure if I’m going to get back into dancing, but I’m definitely adding some of those to my strength training routine. Cheers!


Old video but I’m gonna use all those workouts in my training! Even though I’m not a beginner still useful to helping my breaking evolve!
