[EXCLUSIVE] MI6 Chief Richard Moore Speaks to Tom Newton Dunn | Times Radio

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The new chief of MI6 has told Times Radio the organisation's started ‘green spying’ on big industrial countries for the first time to make sure they uphold their climate change commitments.

In the first broadcast interview that any serving head of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service has given, which can be heard this morning from 10am, Richard Moore, told Gloria De Piero and Tom Newton Dunn:

Our job is to shine a light in places where people might not want it shone, if you like. And so clearly we are going to support what is the foremost international foreign policy agenda item for this country and for the planet, which is around the climate emergency, and of course we have a role in that space.

Where people sign up to commitments on climate change, it is perhaps our job to make sure that actually what they are really doing reflects what they have signed up to.

As somebody used to say – trust but verify. On climate change where you need everyone to come on board and to play fair, then occasionally just check to make sure they are.

On Russia: Richard Moore said Vladimir Putin was warned the country would “pay a huge price” if he invaded Ukraine, before he began pulling back thousands of troops from the Ukraine border two days ago.

He said: The Russians are in absolutely no doubt of where the UK stands on this issue. And they are in absolutely no doubt of where the Biden administration stands on this issue, because channels are open.

It's also been revealed that MI6 is recruiting a new “Q” from outside the service for the first time. The Secret Intelligence Service will advertise for an expert to run the gadgets and technical branch immortalised in James Bond films.

Richard Moore said: We are in an increasingly contested, difficult world where technology is making what we do for a living more of a challenge. We have to use and harness technology and the only way we can do that, I think, is with good leadership and somebody who can help us partner with the private sector.

He revealed that the head of MI6’s technical department has taken the title “director-general Q” from the Bond films. Moore said: In this one, life imitates art. We were reshaping our technical side and couldn’t think of the right name for it. In the end we thought well, come on, let’s go for it, and so we decided to call it Q.

Richard Moore also told Times Radio:

The US military withdrawal from Afghanistan by September is forcing intelligence agencies like MI6 to “work very differently” and find new ways of controlling the terror threat in the country.

And MI6 have thwarted bids by Islamist terror groups to build a dirty bomb and launch it on a British or European target.
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When I was a member of Toastmasters, Anglia Communicators, we would receive a magazine through the post. It really was a very jolly good read and very informative. One article wanted to ban the word 'ER' from toastmaster speach's now we all know why.
Early warning Radar.
Thank you for caring about a member who thoroughly enjoyed your publication. Even how to write an award winning speech. Governor candidate NHS mental health, Peterborough and Cambridgeshire. I followed every step. And yes my 150 word (exactly 150 words) has helped change legislation.


"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need"
I am a former librarian to a gentleman who featured in Who's Who and helped found the Bee Garden on Peterborough Market.
Britain's second Empire is no place for anyone who presents a moderate amount of interllect in today's climate.
Thank you
Miss Donna Marie Baff


My employer in 1982 was Queen's Council
This is not to be confused with Councelling or therapy
Thank you
Miss Donna Marie Baff


I am a former keyworker in s direct access homeless project. One of the toughest jobs in the country.
Up until 18/6/2007 I was a policy and procedures writer for homelessness in the not-for- profit housing sector.
And what ever I do for the most marginalised people in society is never good enough from megaphones with more money than sense.
How many sound systems contacted me, whilst I was a keyworker trying to repair your propergander? Not one of you.


When I was at secondary school for girls (Western Avenue, Dogsthorpe) we received some displaced Vietnamese girls.
How many of you have spoken out and said how the city of Peterborough helped you prosper?
How many of you have spoken out against 'peterborough is the worst city in the country'?
How many of you have spoken out against the dehumanisation of the Baff family?
How many of you have spoken out saying how the girls at John Mansfield school assisted you with reading, writing, learning English and integration as valuable members of Peterborough society?
How many of you remember me?
Thank you
Miss Donna Marie Baff


I am a former librarian to a very kind lady called Mrs Robinson whom had a very remarkable life.
An Alan Turing Bletchley park codebreaker and her late father helped build the old Aswan damn and was know effectionetley as a prince on a camel.
Whilst a keyworker in a direct access homeless project, one of the toughest jobs in the country, I received police tactics training from her namesake.Thank you Jim for the personal alarms you so kindly provided for myself and my colleagues.
Miss Donna Marie Baff
Jackie Graham, set us FREE


Up until the 18/6/07 I was a policies and procedures writer for homelessness in the not-for-profit housing sector.
My line manager was Mr Richard Hall
Axiom Housing Association.
In my opinion, the spirit to serve, in particular and army veterans


I have not been in paid employment since 18/6/2007 why? And what have I done to deserve this? I went from a policy and procedures writer for homelessness in the not-for-profit housing sector to becoming very ill, then unemployed.
Is it a crime for your grandparents to have been the 'boots on the ground for the founder of the SAS (special air service) and a life line for the SOE (special operations executive) during world war II?
Is it a crime to resist and whistle blow against your family being manipulation of influence markers for eight decades.
Is it a crime to 'march to your own beat' HEARTBEAT. Ed Snowden
I would simply like political asylum for myself and my family.
Thank you
Miss Donna Marie Baff


Re-Think - Mr Brian Dow
Not everyone lies on their CV (path of life)
I was a member of the Path Finders as a young girl. Hand in hand how far we reach, each for all and all for each. The fifty pence coin, always reminded me of the Pathfinders
Not everyone wants to be sifted by a robot to determine there quality of life
And not everyone finds life helpful when it's interpritated by someone else/ a complete stranger in fact, whom only have one goal, there own
Thank you


There is always more than one war going on at any one time.
Rest in peace Deborah Anne Barnes n`ee Baff (Debbie)
5/12/68 - 15/5/2006
One of the kindest people you could ever know and love.
Died age thirty seven


I ran the fastest two hundred metres in School history, at John Mansfield school for girls. I reached the athletic zone before attending senior school.
It's a gift to be a fast runner
Denis Edwards - Don't look any further
Us 1984 import vinyl


During the last so many hours I was signposted to the following. A subject matter I have NEVER come across before.
Black Beverley Hills
Windsor Hill
Black excellence and the buy black movement.
Rest in peace Beverley, and you are situated very near to my sister Deb's at Eastfield road cemetery.
I worked along side Miss Hill during the eighties whilst we were working for queen's council in a shopping centre called Queensgate.


Becoming Sir Richard Moore, via The Baff/Kenny family from the last eight decades.
Joe - Baff relative
Johnson - Donna Marie Baff
Princess Margaret - Baff relative
And on and on it goes for eight decades.
Moreover when will this industrialised insanity stop?
D M Baff


Wednesday 11/5/2022
Emily Wilding Davison
English suffragette
11/10/1872 - 8/6/1913
The history of the Baff/Kenny family, modern day
English suffragettes for eight decades.
And who has the right to make an executive decision to destroy an entire families one and only life?
I am still requesting help and support to achieve Political Asylum to safer kinder climates.
Thank you
Miss Donna Marie Baff


Is it really a good idea for me to know this chap's name and face, and voice ? Does that not put his security people under unnecessary pressure ?


This is the century of the understanding of the mind, and it's s great time to be apart of, and as a nation we should be more intelligent now than we have ever been.
9th May 2022 World Mental Health week.
Both Donna and Sir Richard Moore are pieces of a puzzle. Neither of us are any better/different from one another and both are required in order for the puzzle to be completed.
Thank you
Miss D M Baff
NH 712131B


Seems like a decent guy, but he surely must know that CzechoSlovakia doesn't exist for almost 30 years now.


Bilderdijk William
Dutch poet and dramatist. He was a precursor of Romanticism in Dutch literature. Of his many poetic works, the most memorable is an un- finished epic poem on biblical themes, entitled De obdergang der eerste wareld (The destruction of the first world) 1810
We despise what we have become
and we have become what we despise.


Strategic Ambiguity
(Dangerous and downright evil tactics for the model. Baff/Kenny family)
Strategic - done for reasons of strategy
- Typical of strategy
- Displaying sound strategy
Military - Destroying enemies fighting capacity
- Necessary for fighting war
Ambiguity - Doubt about meaning
- Statement with more than one meaning
Thank you
Miss Donna Marie Baff
British Armed forces = Fab
Fab volunteer as a teenager.


The correlation between the food chain and warfare
Rosemary is an early foraging plant for bees.
The Bee Garden was founded by Donna and Joe on Peterborough Market on 31/10/2015 - 1/4/2017
And closed due to lack of support, lack of knowledge and a clear case of conflict of interest
The Bee Garden supports Dr Roberts for the Professor Albert Einsteins medal of achievement award for his outstanding contribution to science on the war on drugs.
11 billion pounds per year is generated though the UK's drug trade
Thank you
Miss Donna Marie Baff
