DEF CON 25 Wifi Village - Woody, Tim Kuester - GODUMPiNG packet sniffing the Gotenna
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GoTenna is a wireless communication tool, popular for providing encrypted "off-the-grid" communications on unlicensed MURS channels. Using SDR, GNU Radio, and scapy we developed a tool to capture packets from all the channels, simultaneously. This allowed us to characterize device behavior, study the packet protocol, and passively monitor communications. In this talk, we will explain or methodologies, demonstrate our tools live, and show how to preform link analysis: who is talking with whom, when, and how much.
DEF CON 25 Wifi Village - Woody, Tim Kuester - GODUMPiNG packet sniffing the Gotenna
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DEF CON 25 Wifi Village - Balint Seeber - Hacking Some More of the Wireless World
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DEF CON 25 Wifi Village - Woody, Tim Kuester - GODUMPiNG packet sniffing the Gotenna
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DEF CON 25 Wifi Village - Andrew Strutt - Suitcase Repeater Build for UHF 70cm
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