Was Bashar Right? The UNKNOWN Truth About Soul Contracts and What We're MISSING (NO ONE TALKS ABOUT)

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In this eye-opening episode of Conscious Commentary, I delve into the controversial topic of soul contracts and pre-birth agreements. Challenging traditional beliefs, we'll explore concepts of time and destiny, featuring insights from Darryl Anka, channel for Bashar, and personal stories of loss and spiritual connection. Are we missing something crucial about our soul's journey? Watch to find out and join the discussion on these profound spiritual concepts! 👈🏽 I want to hear from you!
#channeling #bashar #soulcontracts

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Alexis Brooks is a #1 best-selling author, journalist, researcher and talk show host covering alternative news, spirituality and subjects rooted in metaphysics.

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LET'S TAKE THE CONVERSATION FURTHER! 👉🏽 Watch "CHANNELER & Psychic Medium Gets SHOCK of Her Life: 'We Had to Prepare You (AND THE WORLD) for This!'
Premieres Thursday, July 11th at 6pm EST/3P:


Losing two of my brothers to complications from cystic fibrosis, my sister to murder and my journey through kidney failure, dialysis and eventually a kidney transplant awakened my mediumship abilities.


My daughter passed by suicide and It has changed me for the best. I have grown spiritually. I do believe that she had a soul contract to pass early and by suicide and she did it for me. Her death brought many changes in me and my family and all for the better. I miss her so much but I trod on everyday, being less judgemental ( much less) and more open, more kind and I no longer am scared to die because I know I will join her.


Thank you for your videos Alexis. You have such a peaceful demeanor and can make the most sensitive subjects so much easier to internalize.❤


Time is non linear on the otherside but 'soul contracts' are real from many NDEers with many possibilities, many timelines...they are not 'sign on dotted line' just times picked by our soul for possible leaving this earth. I also feel they are very fluid depending on the experience. Face it, we will never know for sure till we're there. Fascinating conversation though...thank you.


🙏 Alexis, you are a brilliant woman. Thank you for all you do in the name of humanity.
I love your channel.


When I heard of the 27 club, the first thought that came across my mind was the same as yours. 2and 7 is 9, which is the end of a cycle. ❤


Hi Alexis, we met at CITD. I'm married to astrologer Jeff Harman. The 27 club has to do with the Saturn Return cycle in astrology, a time of restructuring. Many find it extremely difficult. It can happen between 27-29 as I understand it. During my Saturn Return, I was abducted in 1995-1996. It was a huge restructuring of my life. During one bout of sleep paralysis (which Bashar told me is the body shifting dimensions) I heard an electronic voice say my name and saw a flash of a gun pointed at me, quite a symbol of the death of my old life and the beginning of a new phase! I've never had that happen since.


We are here to experience time as linear. So when we sign up our for our time here on earth in a linear timeline. The contract is set up in that way. regardless of what happens outside of our earth experience that’s why we come to earth to experience something completely different. As Bashar says we are the master of limits.


A channelled description of the "contract, " or the "script":
"It is not so easily told. There are various types of scripts, and each one is a reflection of the 'venue' occupied and the mindset held when the writing takes place. There are scripts that will be written after this one is published, by everyone who reads it. Perhaps those scripts will have been altered by the reading. And if they are, and if the original script, written before entry into time-bondedness, is found afterward, one will discover that this alteration is written into that script.
"It could be a map, or it could be a blueprint. You are the architect, drawing in perfect detail every coordinate and every foot - every inch - with all the calculations that go into those plans. Then you leave the blueprint, and without even the memory of it you match your life to it. You may deviate, but when you get back and take the original out of the safe, so to speak, you will see that it reads exactly as you have lived it.
"Do you see that this is the magic - no, the power - that you have? To create a life? You need no memory of the original in order to fulfill it. All the agony, and all the struggle, that goes into the life lived in the human milieu, is a 'cc' - a carbon copy - of the one you will find in the safe when you have completed it.
"It is in the sense that you cannot make mistakes. Because the mistakes you do make are real takes, not missed takes.
"What about the really big errors - not the 'typos'? The gravely missed opportunities that you recognized too late? The times when you hurt someone and deeply regretted it later? When you took a wrong turn and couldn't get back to the crossroads? What about all those times, with which a human life is often rife?
"Those are the best times - easy for me to say? No, I say it with deliberation and sincerity. Why are they the best times? Because they are the most fraught with potential, potentially the most fruitful. It is out of chaos that art emerges; it is out of the most pungent compost that durable beauty emerges."


I’ve had many of the same questions ~ thank you for sharing


Ok, let's do this. We love the term blueprint as it has always been presented to me in the form of a table of Contents of one's personal journey. Certain contents are made to be skipped or revisited depending on one's choices. Ex. chapter 7 titled "Cancer", you beat cancer skip to chapter 9, lose against cancer see chapter 8. You could have chosen to experience cancer but it doesn't mean you chose to die by it. Having a similar situation and having whispers "don't take what they want to give you", following through, then changing my mind briefly and again getting "didn't we say not to take that." 30+ yrs later of doing nothing and not being affected at all has open a doorway of perception.

Trying to condense this as best as possible. Imagine experiencing the scenario of what would you tell your younger self happen in real time in the present moment from your future potential self. After going through the crazy phase of coarse and having everything that's ever happened explained and laid out changes one's perspective. You now live a life where you're given what's needed to achieve that potential self, almost like having a sneak peek of the index of your book. Once this path is chosen the integration process commences and you begin to see things though a new lens more childlike in curiosity as you no longer experience things alone and realize you never have "Footprints in the Sands" poem.

Time was created so experiences could take place in the present tense. It's like the soul (Higher-self) actively going back in time to experience scenarios through the human form of perception and everything involved. Choosing that path towards your optimal self is like being shown a selected purpose and striving for that goal, working in tandem with one another through balance (above and below) to achieve that state.

There is no one size fits all and everyone's journey is uniquely theirs as some things have to actually be experienced to be understood. Like Glenda told Dorothy, "You've always had the power to go home, but if I told you you wouldn't have believed me and had to experience it for yourself." Dorothy now knows should she ever go looking for her heart's desires she'll look no further than her own backyard (within). So much comes with this, from manipulating energy in our environment as we all feel it and some can see it, to being in the backseat and being in the Flow. You truly feel alive, it's as if the game now recognizes you as an actual player and the fun begins. You realize you no longer have to move mountains because the mountains already know to move! Sorry about all that and if none of it resonates no harm, no foul. This is the best time to be alive so remember to enjoy it. If the ride you're on in this amusement park is not fun, try a different ride. The rides with the longest lines aren't always the best, yet we tend to follow the masses. ❤


My Beloved and I had an agreement, not a contract. Contracts are really not possible due to the complexity of life among other living beings with free will. We honored our agreement. What was it? We re-enacted and rewrote the Eros and Psyche Love Story to better reflect reality and to give people hope and desire to achieve the highest love possible. Now Amazon Prime and other producers keep contacting me to make a movie about it. Should I do it? He is in the higher dimensions now, but we still work together! I think we are waiting for an offer we can't refuse.


I like the idea of 27 being symbolic of new cycle with 2027 being the ending of the binary system of the old world as the new begins unrestricted


I don't think soul contracts are solely (no pun) situational. However, they are about what lessons we have wanted to learn in this life. As a trained shaman, I have done many soul retrievals on others during which I also find the pertinent part of the individual's soul contract. They are often very beautiful, even when attached to painful circumstances.


Lo, Osiris has come as Orion! (But first he had to sign his soul contract)


When my husband and I first moved in together there were times when I would be on my own in the house and while sitting in the living room I would hear clearly footsteps walking across the floor in the spare bedroom above the living room.
When this first happened I ran straight upstairs expecting to see a man stood in the spare room as I got to the top of the stairs, as the footsteps were heavy like a man’s, but there was no one there.
This happened a lot, the footsteps always took the same track across the spare bedroom, same pace, same gait .
After a while I got used to hearing it, and it only bothered me when I became pregnant and that room was going to be the nursery.
When my baby was using the room the footsteps were still happening every now and then, but the baby was fine so I didn’t concern myself too much, and after a while the footsteps stopped, I hadn’t heard them for a few years.
Pushing time on a little, my son was now 21 years old, he was wearing in a new pair of shoes, he walked across his room … and I kid you not, I’m not joking when I say they were the exact footsteps I had heard all those years ago repeatedly over the first few years in that house, same gait, same pace, same weight.
When I heard this I just stood there with my jaw nearly hitting the floor, the footsteps as far as I’m concerned were my son’s years before he made them.
If this is the case it would lend weight to the theory of everything runs simultaneously.

Hope you don’t mind my contribution, it is a bit long, but your conversation today just reminded me, also I can sometimes see things before they happen, it runs through my head clearly, like a film playing, when it does I can’t see what is around me with my material vision so I have to stop whatever I’m doing and stand still.
This also makes me think that because I can see what’s coming, sometimes weeks before it does, that could be seen as past, present and future separation as being just an illusion, just a thought 🤷‍♀️

Really do enjoy your show Alexis, it’s so incredibly interesting 😊👍


I say take time out of the equation. Focus on the many multitudes of choices available to make living a life down here on Earth possible. Abraham Hicks says there is no need to suffer, yet suffering elevates oneself to understanding traumas to be able to help others. There must also be lives that are free of any negativity or issues, living on Easy Street. What makes one choose their choices before reincarnating? It is all so fascinating Alexis! Thank you for this provocative topic.❤


Hi Alexis, I love your show. This is a tough one regarding past versus non-past. It is similar to: was a butterfly ever a caterpillar? Was a duck ever inside an egg? If so, they had a past. If not, then why can we see the chrysalis, broken egg shell/evidence that they emerged from? I love Bashar and his advice, but what I do not understand is when he says: when we change, we are LITERALLY a different person. The example he gives is an addict who suddenly overcomes his addiction. Bashar says that is because he NEVER WAS an addict. He is LITERALLY a different person with a different PAST. Yet, there are medical records, police reports, DUI's, photos, etc. of when he WAS an addict. The next time that you have Bashar on, please ask him to explain. If there is no past, were we ever children (past)? Perhaps it is all bleed through lives. Very confusing to me., Much love!!!!


The age 27 in Numerology also signifies the midst of transitioning between a person's Formative cycle & their Productive cycle, generally speaking. ❤️♾️❤️
