The True, Pure, and Simple Gospel of Jesus Christ

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April 2019 General Conference.
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I'm grateful for the church which protects and maintains the true, pure, and simple Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Turning from sin and to God, like pp said righting our wrongs. Thanks brother for this. JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOUR. PRAISE GOD FOR THE GIFT OF HIS BLOOD.


Amen . I agree to this Gospel.
This is What I have heard before in school and Church
Not the Fake Gospel of
Anti-Christ that I have seen online that leads many Christians into False Doctrine
and Doubting .
Thanks for sharing this to Us and thanks you Sir for reminding Us what is the Real Gospel of Jesus is


We are teaching the world the true message of our Lord and God. God bless


The teachings of Jesus are the new commands of God in the 4 gospels, obey Jesus to partake into His sacrifice on the Cross. That's it. Matthew 7, John 14.


The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM!

Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah died for his people! God resurrected the Messiah! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21

Matt 24
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Jesus said the Father is the only true God!

John 17
3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.


What is "the work of salvation on both sides of the veil?" It happens while we live on earth, or not at all.


Repentance is righting our wrongs. Telling the truth and paying restitution


Every Mormon uses the word "atonement." They need to look up the


I don't believe "Lucifer's work is to bring to pass the endless misery & woe of God's children." When one is a child of God (saved, going to Heaven), Lucifer has a tendency to avoid them because he knows they are close to God; Lucifer cannot take them to Hell. The unsaved are much easier for Satan to tempt & control.


do the best you can, you cant do anything against the dark forces of this world that was in the first minute and is not in the entire bible we are more then conquerors is what is said we have authority to drive the hell out of this world go preach the gospel cause it is the power of God unto salvation we can drink poison it says and not die, it says what Jesus whispers in your ear shout from the roof tops, and Jesus says the work God requires is this to believe in the one he sent not just a bit of it brothers and sisters you will not last the enemies sceams by this half gospel its good news but your left powerless waiting for heaven yet praying that his kingdom come now, it says we've been given the spirit without measure, he said to keep watch and pray and always be ready to give an awnser for the hope and the joy that you have in you. eternal life is to know the father and the one hes sent many are believing that they have to wait till heaven which when they think eternal life starts and then they get to know him but arent you a knew creation and made alive in christ the moment you repent and believe and are brought back to life, then work out your salvation with fear and trembling cause your saved from the flesh but not the devil and this world if you simply just do your best. paul said IF you sin we have an advocate not when you sin cause you dont have to and if you believe you have to then your calling jesus a liar cause he overcame it all for us in this, he said ALL authority was given to him in heaven and on earth therefore??? go read the rest and stop trying to just simply just do your best with this kind of gospel this is not what are Brother Jesus taught us
