How Much Do Collectors Spend on New Comics? The Numbers Will Blow You Away!

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We collectors tend to think that our hobby is more popular than it really is. If it was, comicbook videos on YouTube would make up more than just 1/5 the viewer ship of lottery scratch cards videos. And yeah, nobody buys comics. Look at the miniscule print runs. Your numbers are actually quite pathetic when you step back and look at the print runs of the past. Comics are just more unreasonably priced now. Dude, overall numbers are small. I also see nowhere near the younger people that I used to. That's a fact. I see way more contrived collectability in the rise of the variants. Rant all you want against the collector bro, I still say there are much bigger forces out there that will eventually have a negative effect on our culture and to that extent our hobby.


I just got into the hobby two and a half months ago...💁🏻 I'm in for the long haul...🤘🏼 I've been discovering tons of awesome comics and things that have been blowing my mind...🤯💯✔️


A lot of that tracks and makes sense from my own experiences.


I spend $50-$150 a week on new books, but I’m also selling and average about $200-$300 on sales a month from books I find at flea markets and yard sales, most importantly is I enjoy every second of it ✊😎


There are four comic stores that I visit locally every month (one has my pull box) and they all have seen an increase in customers over the last 10 years. The ones that I know the owners have seen twice as many pull boxes now as there were 10 years ago. So really their monthly business on new books has doubled.


Not dying or going anywhere ever! It seems like a winey statement🤷


I average about 300 per month, but that will include some TPBs and sometimes an omnibus or two. A couple of months ago I spent $500, that was the highest ever spent.


I spend around $400 to $500 sometimes more depending if I buy cgc a month


As of now, i spend 100 percent on new releases. It's difficult to get older comics in my country.


I do about $15 a week but I’m hoping it gets to about $10. 3 comics a week.


The Venn diagram of people who say "nobody buys new comics" and people who cry and whine about "wokeness" killing comics MCU / DCEU / etc is a circle. 'Nuff said.


In all fairness you really can't go by those numbers. Because we're already buying comics. Question is how many left the market. If they did I can guarantee that they're not watching a YouTube comic show. Has your subscriber count drastically gone up? That would be a better way to see if more people are entering the market. It would show the interst in comics and learning about the hobby. Comics will never "die" just like the stock market, but it sure can collapse just like the stock market.


I'm on a soft hiatus from new comics. I just can't afford the Wednesday routine right now. But I still look for and buy new Lobo apps because you know that's my dude...

I'm kind of worried about the meta side of the hobby right now. Shelving for displays and holding comics, cycling out all my cardboard boxes for BCW plastic boxes, stuff to improve the climate of the room I keep my collection in, and even just buying back issues. I can't do it all, and I'd much rather just stay on top of only my favorite characters new apps instead or sacrificing everything I've mentioned just to have a pull list and try stuff out I may not even like....

I'd say I spend around $20-$50 a month (on heavy months) on new books right now.


Chris... I feel like since you stopped making weekly Top 10 videos combined with the video where you showed your true emotions and vulnerability for what your fans, collecting, and (most importantly) your family means to you, you have been on another level. Your research, your passion, and your presentation have all been second-to-none. I am loving this new "era" of Jerno's Comics. I am going through VERY tough times right now (which I have felt comfortable about describing in previous comments on previous videos), and I know you are not currently on a cake-walk either. Every new video makes my day a little better, and I hope prepping for these videos and getting all of this off your chest is doing the same for you. Know that you are greatness. Keep it real, dude.

(Sorry for being overly sappy, but it is late here, and it has been a never-ending roller coaster ride over the past few months. I will go back to making jokes on future videos.)


If the comic book industry were thriving there would be billion dollar companies lined up to start creating and selling comics books. That is not happening and won’t happen because smart money and corporations know 2021 was the top to the market. Inflation adjusted dollars 1996 was a 1.6 billion dollar year for comics 2021 was 2.1, the ease of access to speculate has created a slightly larger bubble than 96 and it might take a little longer to pop but it will.


People are buying more and more every week.


What is the breakdown of spend range. You averaged in the person that spends 1k a month. How many spend that much?


Love the video I've spent quite a bit on new comics but I've also spent on looking to fill in gaps in my collection


HEEEEY Chris @Jernos....where is our BEST BOOKS OF 1981 VIDEO?!?! Been 2 weeks my man!


Shows you how well some people adds numbers. Jerno knows numbers 👍😎
