My Cheating wife panicked and begged for forgiveness But she will face the consequences she deserves

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My Cheating wife panicked and begged for forgiveness. But she will face the consequences she deserves.

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I wondered why people get married if their just going to be unfaithful. Then I realized that people want a safety net/back up.


I love how literally every cheater says the affair “meant nothing to me.”

Well, it sure as shit meant something to the person you betrayed.


why do the family members get mad and say the cheaters deserve a second chance when they know they wouldnt take that!


It takes strength to leave a marriage but it takes even more strength to leave a marriage without trying to destroy the other person, big ups my man


Ex's Sister: Don't do like me, i ruin my life because of an affair

OP's Ex: affair you said? i will do it

Ex's Sister: NOO!! don't do it, it will destroy your marriage and life

OP's Ex: I WANNA DO IT!!! it won't happen anything wrong*

*OP file for divorce*

OP's ex: *Surprised Pikachu face*


Bros a Massive W cause if you get cheated on you should hold to your values, for one don’t cheat for two don’t try and ruin their life it will cause you will change and no longer be able to be the person you once were.


Bruh she overheard him talk to his kids about them separating and acts surprised when he tells her he wants to separate


I find it funny how friends and relatives are cursing OP for not giving her a second change; the moment you reverse the role you know they'll tell her to leave the marriage. Such hypocrites.


like one of the dudes in previous videous wrote, advice from his father"you didnt regret when you did something bad, so why feel regret now when you face the consequences" hands down one of the best advice i have ever heard


I think in a marriage if one party cheats and they divorce the cheating party should get 0% custody and no alimony


I'm disgusted when I hear that people are cussing the person who got cheated on. Like, if you don't like how things are going, then be with her yourself, otherwise shut your filthy mouth. It's always like this, people who are not even involved have the most to say.


Cheaters dont deserve a second chance. Cheating involves a hell of a ton of lies to keep up, especially if it lasts for months like this. If you've been lying about it for months, how would i trust another word you say?


Why do they always treat the victim like the perpetrator? Deluded romanticism? To soothe their own egos for their own transgressions? It's like the people who attack you for not offering charity whilst never offering their own support. It's easy to proselytise virtues but not so easy to uphold them. "I insist you continue to live in an abusive relationship with a known adulteress who has already proven how little you and your family mea to her." Gee that sounds swell


The ex wife had a very happy marriage, yet wanted a fling. Even though she was getting sex daily from her Husband.. She destroyed her family (Kids will have trauma) and the other woman's marriage with the AP. She broke her own heart in the process, and she broke multiple hearts in the process of people she loves.

All she had to do was quit her job, and change to another job to avoid the guy.

This is one of those cases the ex wife truly screwed up what she had a Husband that fully trusted her and loved her.. No doubt she knows that replacing him is going to impossible (Most guys do not want cheating ex wife with kids) and knows the Husband has options which probably hurts her even more knowing he stayed faithful even during divorce.


What's most bewildering is that "her sister's cheating had her obsessed with cheat, so she cheated". wtf?
is it to say that after seeing her sister's life destroyed she yearned to do that to her seemingly happy marriage too? Just who are those people?

Also, to have a "crush" on someone you have to be open to the idea first, so cheater presenting this as an excuse is revolting to me.
If you're stable in your mariage, no crush even comes to mind, and if it does and you entertain it you're already betraying your spouse by not telling them.

Those people I swear. In a sense I blame society's messaging about "deserving" stuff, funny how it always comes back to this mentality. Wonder if it was like that for my gramps being married for 60 years.


Just becase she regrets it doesnt mean its right to reconcile.


She only shed fake crocodile tears when she found out you'd seak happiness


I've heard so many of these stories now that they're blending together

Edit:Damn I'm being indirectly flamed in my replies. Trust me when I say this not all women cheat and if you think that you're an idiot or an incel.


As much as it must absolutely destroy the man to do this, it's the right thing to do. An action, once done, cannot be undone, the consequences of infidelity cannot be avoided or circumvented. There is either separation, or the relationship is trivialised.


Don't get me wrong, I've always believed that mistakes deserve second chances as they are often learning opportunities, but cheating is the exception. Trust and faith in the offender has been spit on and broken beyond repair, and can never again be what it once was. It's like crumpling up a picture of someone; sure you can unfold it and try smooth it out enough to see what it once was, but it will never look remotely the same to you.
