EXCEL TRICK #DIV/0! ERROR FIX - How to use =IF formula logical test to hide error-display blank cell

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If you have a formula in your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that references division between two cells where one of them does not have data, the program will return a #DIV/0! error message. That message can be annoying if you want to have the formula ready to go in the spread sheet, but haven't entered data into the cells that the formula references. One way to fix this and display a blank cell until you actually enter data for the formula to work off of is to use an =IF statement to write the formula.

=IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

Side note: If you want to reference a blank cell, or have the result of the formula be to display a blank cell, the way Microsoft has you indicate that in a formula is with a pair of quotation marks, typed with no space between them: ""
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That didn't work for me. When I input a number and then delete it the div error pops up again
