Venting or Gossiping?

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Sometimes we forget how much of an impact our words can make. In this video, Fr. Mike reminds us that our words have the power to build up or destroy relationships and even whole communities. He points out some helpful distinctions between venting and gossiping and gives some guidelines for avoiding what he calls “the everyday betrayal.”



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I'm guilty of this sin . I thought i was venting but in reality I was spreading gossip. Lord, please forgive me and mend all the broken hearts I've caused. Amen!


Beautifully put. "Set a guard, oh Lord, before my mouth, a gatekeeper at my lips." Psalm 141


I've actually always struggled with this subject, it's so nice to have a clear idea of what's acceptable and what's not. Thank you Father!


Gossip drove my son from the church when he was a kid. He literally veiws the church as a pit of petty hostile people.
I wish more people were aware of the consequences of gossip.


We need a channel dedicated to gossip alone. Gossip destroys families, relationships, communities. It is so poisonous that it destroys a person's life. God bless you Fr. Mike


I am someone who has been gossiped about for 2 yrs at church. It gets so bad when I volunteer, I sometimes go home and cry. Thing is, I volunteer for God, not them. I try and make friends and help, but am pretty much an outcast because I do not gossip. Some of the cruelest people can be those who go to Mass, Take communion and then gossip about you. All I can do is pray that God gives me strength


When venting stops being "helping to carry a burden" to "recruiting to be on my side" Yes!


This was so deep... Everyday Betrayal = Gossip. I honestly didn't know the difference between venting and gossiping and I believe many people believe the two words are interchangeable. Thanks for this clarification and God bless your online ministry. May hearts and souls be touched by the Word of God.


This came at just the right time! Thank you. As a recovering blabbermouth, I need to be more comfortable keeping silent about other people's matters, as well as practicing discretion on what I say.


thank you for differentiating "letting it out" vs "getting someone on your side." The former happened to me recently. When a friend and I had a disagreement, I had to vent it out to someone else not because I wanted them to take my side, but because I just didn't know what to do and needed help. And I was okay venting to that specific someone because I knew they wouldn't take either side, but acknowledge both sides & comfort me at the same time.
Sadly, I AM guilty of the latter, of trying to get someone on my side against a certain person... That wasn't cool of me, and tbh I still feel some pain from that every now and then. But I am grateful for a forgiving God who gives unlimited chances to try again. And I'm thankful for this video, and grateful to know the difference between venting and gossipping. Thank you, Father Mike<3


Thank you Fr Mike. Gossiping is a very disgusting habit, it destroys people & i can testify as i am a victim of church gossipers. I used to serve at church but one day i became the subject of malicious gossip of the same people who are also serving the church. However, i can face God because my conscience is clean but it has burned me alive at the stake, i turned my back at the church, stopped serving & stopped going to mass even, i thought what'sthe use anyway, for 25 years i was away from the church, i even tried going to mediums, started reading about new age religion but God never left me. To cut the story short & gladly, i returned back to the church this year, started attending the mass again, went back to confession again & started praying the holy rosary, chaplet of divine mercy & chaplet to st michael, etc again. If God wants me to serve again- it might take a lot of convincing, for now, im at peace to just pray, Our blessed mother never let go of me, i even dreamt of her one night telling me, it's time to go home, i didn'teven realize it was her until i received a picture of the immaculate concepcion from the Marian fathers. People need to understand especially those who are serving the church that gossip itself is a mortal sin, it kills not physically but spiritually not just the victim itelf but also the person who gossips & spreads lies, it is the work of the devil. I have decided that I will never leave Jesus & our blessed mother again for Judas & sadly, there are so many Judases in our church these days so i will stay praying in peace & quite, alone with God.


I'm new to your channel and I'm not actually catholic, but you really hit the head on the nail with this discussion about the difference between gossip and venting. I really appreciate this message


Women often carry the reputation for gossip, but even men should hear this difference between gossip and venting! Now I'll be going to reconciliation and apologizing to my roommate for gossiping...


This really resonated with me because this is the main reason why I separated myself from my in-laws. They are Catholic, and so in marriage, I converted. They judged me and mistreated me even before I married my husband, only knowing me for about 8 months. My husband and I met somewhat later in life and so we knew we were ready, so we moved quickly. He comes from a huge tight-knit family and they are very judgmental. About 15 years into the marriage, after my mother in law passed, I stopped attending family functions because I’m just done. The gossip and tension has taken a toll on me so I just stopped attending family events. I’m done.


Amen……”recruiting someone to be on my side”……perfectly said!


As I listen to this, I can hear my coworkers gossiping about a former employee. I turned my headphones up.


A sin is a sin
When we gossip we realize it by The Holy Spirit convicting us and then we as God for forgiveness
I am always praying that God help me to stop gossiping in Jesus Name 🙏🏾. Praying for all who read this or listen to this and is gossiping 🙏🏾


This video is still providing great guidance 7 years after it was recorded. I needed to hear it in 2023. As a manager, I routinely discuss employee performance, aptitude, and attitude with two colleagues. On occasion, during legit conversations, we slide into sinful gossip and slander. Ugh. I better tape that verse on my forehead so I don't forget. Or better yet, on my computer screen (for zoom calls).


Awesome words, Thank you Father. "Set a guard, LORD, before my mouth,
keep watch over the door of my lips". Thank for sharing this prayer.


I've been struggling with gossip for a while and I always end up telling myself "well... I'm just venting". Of course this video would come up in my suggestions. Thank you!
