The INCREDIBLE GODS and GODDESSES of Hinduism - Hindu Mythology - See U in History

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The INCREDIBLE GODS and GODDESSES of Hinduism - Hindu Mythology - - See U in History

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43:16 Kali is my main favorite goddess inside Hinduism or Hindu mythology. Also her dark skin is a representation of the infinite, the vast, unknowable aspect of the universe. It connects her to primal, cosmic forces beyond human understanding. Meanwhile her chaotic and unconventional imagery challenges traditional gender roles and religious norms. She doesn't conform to the typical image of a nurturing goddess, yet she is deeply revered for her powerful and paradoxical nature. In general perspective, I think among all the goddesses of Hinduism, Kali is by far the most complex, and layered nature as both a mother figure and a destroyer of evil making her a compelling figure of spiritual, philosophical, and even social significance.


I love this long format videos helps me go to sleep. Keep it up!


i see Hinduism
here i come from i🇮🇳india❤


Love the effort! Thank you!... One minor point, the expressions on these animations are pretty tame. All the hindu literature and religious tradition embraces human emotions in their entirety, so the gods would not wear the expressions of happy couples from stock photography.
By the way, there is a treasure trove of hindu mythology, largely unknown in the west waiting to be discovered, should you choose to keep digging. I hope you do!


👏Wow. This is amazing story of The INCREDIBLE GODS and GODDESSES of Hinduism in Hindu Mythology. Now that's compete story alright!


My FAVOURITE is Lord Shiva.... nuff said.


My favorite is Lord Vishnu and can you do a video on Confucius?


This is such a great and interesting video! ⭐️


Lord Vishnu & his avatar Prabhu Shri Ram ❤


Epic. So much detail and inspiration here! I love it already. Thank you.


Bruhhh I wanted thisss tq for this video


Thanks for this video and research, but there are many flaw number one Shiva does not only dance when he’s just happy. He also does it when he’s also furious and does the cosmic dance, number two it’s Shesha not shisha


Deva /Devi or Asura are both common suffixes in Hinduism. Bakasura is really named Bak and he's an Asura. Kamadeva is named Kama and he's a Deva of the Rigvedic and Hindu pantheons.


As per Scriptural Analysis Hinduism is basically Henotheism.

Henotheism Definition is as follows:-

"Henotheism is the worship of a single, supreme god that does not deny the existence or possible

existence of other deities"

Religious Scriptural Evidence:-

In Hinduism, there is one god but many deities. first, know the difference between god and deity
Rigveda book 3, hym 54 Visvadeva, line 17 :-

महत तद वः कवयश्चारु नाम यद ध देव भवथ विश्व इन्द्रे
mahat tad vaḥ kavayaścāru nāma yad dha deva bhavatha viśva indre
"This is, ye Wise, your great and glorious title, that all ye Deities and Demigods abide in Supreme."

Rigveda 2.38.9
na yasya indra varuṇa na mitra vrata aryaman na minanti rudra na arāti tad idaṃ svasti hvā devamsavitṛ namaḥ

Him whose high law not Varuna nor Indra, not Mitra, Aryaman, nor Rudra breaketh,

Rigveda 4.26.2

I have bestowed the earth upon the Arya, and rain upon the man who brings oblation.
I guided forth the loudly roaring waters, and the Gods moved according to my pleasure

“Great indeed are the Devas (demigods) who have sprung out of Supreme God.” - (Atharva Veda)

Why deities are worshiped and the result:- Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7, verse 22:-

स तया श्रद्धया युक्तस्तस्याराधनमीहते |

लभते च तत: कामान्मयैव विहितान्हि तान् || 22||

sa tayā śhraddhayā yuktas tasyārādhanam īhate

labhate cha tataḥ kāmān mayaiva vihitān hi tān

Endowed with faith, the devotee worships a particular celestial god and obtains the objects of desire.

But in reality, I alone arrange these benefits.

Bagvad Gita, Chapter 7 verse 21
यो यो यां यां तनुं भक्त: श्रद्धयार्चितुमिच्छति |
तस्य तस्याचलां श्रद्धां तामेव विदधाम्यहम् || 21||

yo yo yāṁ yāṁ tanuṁ bhaktaḥ śhraddhayārchitum ichchhati

tasya tasyāchalāṁ śhraddhāṁ tām eva vidadhāmyaham

Whatever celestial form a devotee seeks to worship with faith, I steady the faith of such a devotee in

that form.

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 4, Verse 11 :-
ये यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते तांस्तथैव भजाम्यहम् |
मम वर्त्मानुवर्तन्ते मनुष्या: पार्थ सर्वश: || 11||
ye yathā māṁ prapadyante tāns tathaiva bhajāmyaham
mama vartmānuvartante manuṣhyāḥ pārtha sarvaśhaḥ
"In whatever way people surrender unto me, I reciprocate with them accordingly. Everyone follows my

path, knowingly or unknowingly, O son of Pritha."

Hinduism God gives many options of worship u can worship him directly through a medium or via

deities. It's up to each devotee which path he will choose this doesn't affect god he can hear both.


36:59 : just for the fun, put pause .
Do you remember that iconic image from the Robin Hood movie featuring Kevin Costner and Mary Élisabeth Mastantonio ? Or the Bryan Adams "evr'y thing I do i do it for you" video clip ? 🎉🤩


Can you make about the incredible gods and goddess of shintoism


There's a difference between Gods and Devtas, which I've explained in my Hinduism Iceberg vid


Weird how all religions, myths, faiths and philosophies have a flood story.


Ok sir whenever you encounter the letter i in an indian word please read it as if it's a double e, like for a bee.
Like this you obtain phoneticaly a treeshul, the treedevee . I will now go on with your video wich is nice actually 😊👍


Om Tryambakam yajamahe sugandim pushti vardanam
