The 10 most underrated Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet

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These are the 10 most underrated Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet

#Pokemon #ScarletViolet #WolfeyVGC

Intro: 0:00
Number 10: 0:34
Number 9: 2:29
Number 8: 3:56
Number 7: 5:55
Number 6: 7:09
Pls subscribe pls I'm begging you pls pls pls: 8:48
Number 5: 9:05
Number 4: 11:00
Number 3: 13:32
Number 2: 15:41
Number 1: 16:52
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Which Pokemon do you think are underrated?


Man JUST dropped his tera type for every mon giga video and here he is still on the grind. I admire the work ethic Wolfe. Keep up the awesome content!


For Palafin, the thing I really want to work well with it is to do Flip Turn into Cyclizar, then use Shed Tail back into Palafin. This just seems like the best way to bring it in. And if you have a Sitrus berry on the Cyclizar, it should practically guarantee that Shed Tail will succeed. Especially if you do defensive investment with it.


It's funny how Espathra is being recognized in Singles for its Speed Boost + Calm Mind + Stored Power sweeper set at the same time It's being discovered as a great support mon in Doubles.


Wolfey: "Mabosstiff is actually faster than you'd think."
Me: Having owned a Mastiff, I can confirm they run VERY fast when properly motivated.


Thing with Palafin is that it's harder to find a niche in VGC because the moment it steps onto the field, every mon will want it dead. It's currently banned in the Smogon OU singles format, since switching is part of how you keep momentum in a 1v1 format. And that alone should give you a reason to fear it.


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Spicy extract actually works really well with Foul Play from say a Murkrow, I've had this used against me once and it really caught me off guard


It's always really nice seeing the differences between singles and doubles.

You come off singles where Palafin is Banworthy and hear that it's underrated here and you're left wondering if you entered the Bizarro Realm


Garganacl imo is incredibly underrated, it’s got a really nice typing to abuse Sandstorm and its bulk is just ridiculous alongside immunity to Status ailments not to mention how Salt Cure can jus using chip can take out Gastrodon in 4 turns without even focusing it down which has shown to be dominant in VGC earlier.


Palafin’s biggest issue is how predictable it can be. Since you start the battle with half of your team on the field, it really incentivizes you to have Palafin out immediately. And since it needs a turn to switch out and come back in, it’s going to be easy to play around. I wonder if fazing moves or the Eject Button/Eject Pack will become commonplace in helping it switch more easily aside from just relying on Flip Turn?


Espathra gets stored power, so the boost from speed boost makes it even stronger.


For me, I feel like the paldean Tauros forms can be pretty fun and underrated


I feel like Arboliva is being under rated right now too. Slow and bulky, and immune to lots of meta powerful ghost types. Maybe it will get more play when removing enemy electric terrain to stop paradox mons will be more important.


Yoooo! I’m so glad you gave Espathra the spotlight in this video.

The moment I saw Geeta wreck your team in the supercut, I knew I needed to try this thing out. Speed boost baton passing is really fun, and thanks to its access to hex, Espathra actually pairs really well with Glimmora, who can poison and chip both enemy pokemon using mortal spin.


This is your best educational SV video so far! The previous videos are still good, but obviously they were made with a fair number of educated guesses before the games came out and the meta fully settled. This is the first video that truly feels like a response to how the meta is actually being played and I feel like it's where your expertise is able to shine.


Orcorico is also pretty underrated. Dancer+ Baton pass is great for enabling sweepers in your party


About Palafin, I saw a video the other day (I think it was from Shady Penguin) where his opponent led with Armarogue and Palafin, has his Palafin outspeed Armarogue and hit it with Flip Turn, activating Weakness Policy as well as Weak Armor as Palafin Swapped out. He then brought in Psychic Surge Indeedee and that same turn his Armarogue used Expanding force, which now had Psychic Terrain and Weakness Policy boost. And of course, once something died he could switch Palafin back in and it would be in Hero form. Honestly, it was a really cool strategy to see be used


Rellor is the first shiny I got in this game and I really appreciated how tanky Rabsca was during my playthrough, with pretty good move like bug buzz and psychic and good team moves like revival blessing.


For Scovillain you really need to think about spicy extract again. You can spicy extract with foul play (on a popular pokemon like murkrow that just setup tailwind) on the same target and almost GURANTEE a knockout with the stat changes
