The Hardest Part of our Build - Building Beams for our Cathedral Ceiling

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We are a DIY family trying to build a better life. We like to share projects and regular life updates. Our goals are to create a happy home, live healthy, develop our life skills, and see where our life leads us.
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Doug and Ashley, I honestly had to sit and ruminate a while on this video before commenting. Some conclusions? 1. I'm so glad you all are young. As you get older it gets more and more difficult to perform such feats. If this is not your forever house, you might want to think about a time frame for the future in that, say 5 years from now, you might have a harder time of doing such an extensive renovation. Just a thought. 2. I know you said one time that your paper education might not include a lot of degrees. What you are is much more important than any number of people who have a whole resume full of degrees. You are a LEARNER. You not only know how to learn, but you DO it. That's more important than any number of paper certificates. I'll bet any of your math teachers (as well as others) would be super proud of you as you figure out angles, measurements, and have those pieces fitting like a perfect fit of a glove. 3. You work together. In my faith I believe that the purpose of marriage is for the two to become one. I love watching the interaction between you and Ashley. I just wish I could be your relative. THANK you for these wonderful videos. Ashley, I love the lights, and I like your smiles even more.


I remember laundry sprinkler tops looking like that back in the day. A person would keep a glass ketchup bottle, put distilled water in the bottle then, top with the sprinkler and dampen your clothing that needed to be pressed with the iron. Love watching your videos. U both amaze me with your knowledge of how to get things remediated in a house! It always comes out looking fantastic! Be safe, enjoy the weather there!!


God has gifted both of you with intelligence and wisdom and creativity! You make a solid team mentally processing the build, especially when you, Doug, are physically worn and Ashley is able to think through for you. What a blessing. Two are definitely stronger than one! ❤️


The nozzle would have a cork stopper or rubber to fit on a coke bottle to use to sprinkle water on clothes to iron them. My mom still had one in the 60's.


I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU GUYS LIFTED THAT BEAM!!! I was installing a beam on a load baring wall with 2 people at 8 feet high and we couldn't do it!! But you guys did that... and Doug? You are AMAZING!!!!


I love watching you guys turn a less desirable property into a lovely place to live.
You always give it your all, and make the property substantially better than you found it.
I just wish all the Negative Nellie’s would stop complaining about this not being your forever home …
So What … do what makes you guys happy, creating beautiful things along your journey


I love watching your videos, and pray for your family. "There's beans in side, did you know that, dada." So sweet.


Great idea Ashley, the lights are a great addition I’m sure your children enjoy them a lot too


Absolutely a top piece, or as some might call it a bowl, for a hookah. Traditionally used in the middle east to consume tobacco, you would put tobacco in the top where the holes are, wrap it in foil, poke holes in the foil and then use special charcoal disks to slowly vaporize the tobacco.


WOW!!! I was gobsmacked, bitting nails watching this. Nothing better than a sturdy roof when bad weather comes.


Wow what a workhorse you are!! Shoot I wouldn’t hesitate to ever buy a house that you’ve had your hands on Lol! Loving the beams!
Ashley those lights are totally awesome! Good idea!!
Cutest little Maverick man 💙.


LOVE the lights, Ashley! What a fun idea. And you did a GREAT job helping Doug with the beam!!


That house has never been so structurally sound. You are doing a fantastic job.


What a great Mom you are Ashley! The lights you hung on the trampoline will be a great memory for the kids


Oh my gosh, I caught myself holding my breath watching you two put that beam in. Great job! And I love the lights!


You guys are doing a fabulous job. Love the lights and Ashley's smile. Great closing shot Maverick!


I remember a year or so ago a viewer commented that they thought maverick needed speech therapy. You answered that you and his mommy weren’t worried about it and thought you and Ashley felt wise enough to make that decision and he would be just fine. Well today he is talking very clearly. You were right. Sometimes we push children in their development instead of letting them develop at their own rate. Both your kids seem very intelligent. Donna


My heart was in my throat, watching y'all put the beam into place! So scary!! I'm very thankful you and Ashley wasn't hurt. Maverick is growing up so fast and his speech has improved a lot, in such a short time it seems. Plus, I hope we get to see more of Bell's artwork soon, she's a very talented artist. Ashley, great idea with the lights around the trampoline. I'm sure a lot of us, are looking forward to seeing more of your ideas and dreams come to life. Doug, please be careful working and don't take any unnecessary risks, your family needs you more than we do. Much Love and Hugs to you all and looking forward to your next video!!


The lights on the trampoline brought a smile. I’m loving the master bedroom reno, even if you gave me a few nail biting moments.


I was so worried watching the two of you put the beam Ashley for being so petite you have an abundance of strength. This home is going to be so solid it will withstand the hurricanes we have in Florida. I love Doug how you include Ashley in the decisions regarding the beam. I have said this over and, over there isn’t anything you can’t do when you put your thoughts together. I enjoy watching Maverick talking and enjoying being outdoors exploring. Ashley the lights look amazing what a great idea ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
