Puzzle & Dragons Steel Star Title Challenge! - Time Limit 20 mins with Sea Wolf & Daytona

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Some notes on team:
* leader switch latent necessary on lead
* need 2 SDR at least on leads, and at least 3 on trish for turn one transforms
* poison and jammer surge are nice but probably could do without it
* SA don't matter, you start at level 1, and I think only trish barely gets to lv 100
* this team has barely enough SB with the equips to get everything going turn 1, make sure you have enough to transform everything turn 1 for simplest approach, but you can tank if you need to, just leave all of them alive in the first few floors until you're ready
* Equips: masamune equip gives machine killer, not too sure if needed. alexander equip is never used. silver remdra on zipperman is for 2 turn haste and 2 turn absorb handling. Amaj is used for a void damage, you want at least a big shield here for boss's 50% hit. egg on trish is just for 2 turn haste. silver remdra on friend doesn't matter, but maybe useful for its haste if it gets overcharged on dark boss

Rough floor guide:
F1: transform both Sea Wolf & Daytona, transform Josuke, Jean Pierre, Trish, Zipperman, Jean Pierre again, Lead Sea Wolf & Daytona transform again, and kill. (order matters for my specific setup, but mainly you need vdp for F1 and an absorb handler that continues into F2)
F2: absorb from silver remdra is still active, so just transform other Sea Wolf & Daytona and kill.
From here to F7 keeper, I tried to just save orbs and kill without using Sea Wolf & Daytona, in case I get delayed (I think it's green keeper?). you don't need much to kill these floors, and you have auto heal from initial transform. But it's not strictly necessary, just use them if you need it.
F7: you'll need jean pierre to kill. I think the green one delays a lot and is annoying to kill
F9-F10 might need back to back absorb, so use zipperman to handle
Otherwise, just use skills as needed and kill. try to save josuke for boss. this might just die to Nut though.
Light boss: you need to keep using jean pierre to kill through vdp, but you can mostly stall, and make sure you keep trish up. Use amaj before you hit to 50%!!
Dark boss: you need absorb handling from zipperman. Locks are a bit annoying here because I didn't have any Ls. Use amaj before you hit to 50%! After 50%, he gives you a big skill haste to leads, might overcharge, but if remdra overcharges, you can use masamune, then remdra to get another active out.
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