reciprocal translocation

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A translocation in which 2 different chromosomes have exchanged segments with each other. Translocation is a genetic abnormality in which part of a chromosome moves to another chromosome.
(Types of translocations: number of breaks involved)
• simple translocation: 1 break
• reciprocal translocation: 2 breaks (main type)
• shift type translocation: 3 breaks
• complex translocation: 4 or more breaks
• reciprocal translocation: Exchange of segments from two nonhomologous chromosomes.
• nonreciprocal translocation: One-way translocations in which a chromosomal segment is transferred to a nonhomologous chromosome.
• Robertsonian translocation: An entire chromosome attaches to another at the centromere. E.g. translocation Down syndrome.
• balanced translocation: With no genetic information extra or missing, and ideally full functionality. There is no phenotypic effect.
• unbalanced translocation: With extra (duplicated) and/or missing (deleted) genes. Likely to cause significant health and/or developmental problems.
(Types of translocations: number of breaks involved)
• simple translocation: 1 break
• reciprocal translocation: 2 breaks (main type)
• shift type translocation: 3 breaks
• complex translocation: 4 or more breaks
• reciprocal translocation: Exchange of segments from two nonhomologous chromosomes.
• nonreciprocal translocation: One-way translocations in which a chromosomal segment is transferred to a nonhomologous chromosome.
• Robertsonian translocation: An entire chromosome attaches to another at the centromere. E.g. translocation Down syndrome.
• balanced translocation: With no genetic information extra or missing, and ideally full functionality. There is no phenotypic effect.
• unbalanced translocation: With extra (duplicated) and/or missing (deleted) genes. Likely to cause significant health and/or developmental problems.