'Big Short' investor Michael Burry says 2022 is the Big Short 2.0

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In this video, we go through what the famed investor from the Big Short Michael Burry is now saying about the market mayhem. He is saying the market crash that is coming is much worse than in 2008. He points to the currency markets and currency crashes that are taking place right now. We have covered Michael Burry on this channel many times. Often he has contrarian views that end up being 100% correct. Both Grantham and Burry were correct in predicting the US housing market crash in 2008.

We go through a DXY chart at the end to show you the alarming level of risk that is in the financial sector right now globally.


#MichaelBurry #Stocks #BigShort #HousingMarketCrash #DebtCrisis #HousingCrisis #RealEstate #HousingMarket #2008

0:00 - Sounding the alarm
1:30 - Currency volatility
2:10 - Asset bubbles
2:40 - When the bubble bursts
3:00 - Housing bubble
3:35 - Bank of England
4:15 - Incoming Financial Crisis
5:00 - 2020 levels of FX volatility
5:55 - Real Estate Market
7:00 - US dollar index
7:50 - It's an alarm
8:18 - Black Swan Event
8:40 - Bond market tracking
9:00 - What to watch 👀
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Something bad is happening at my work. I work at RBC branch in Calgary. Great video and timely


It could be November to remember. I am staying out of the markets for now. Only agri commodities going up now, but if a crash comes, all will be taken down. Thanks for the update.


“JUST IN: Bank of England Governor Bailey: my message to pension funds is that you only have three days to get this rebalancing done.”

Need an emergency Stream Luke!!


Crazy, how fast things can change! Thanks again for the video 💯


Any time things move rapidly we can guess someone was caught offside. USD 89 to 112 fairly fast, interest rates up rapidly, etc. Big players will be sitting on some big losses. Not all but it takes only one key player, and the whole facade can come tumbling down. Add to this the slumping Euro and pound, RMB and yen and there are so many places that are now great Black Swan habitats, it's just a matter of time.


The "Black Swan" event has been happening since Feb 24th, 2022.


My crash logic is based on:
Interest rates will continue to increase into 2023
No more deep discounts because MBS market will dry up
Renewals of those 2% and lower mortgages will clean out many mom and pop and some bigger investors with forced sales
Inflation will continue to compress disposable income
A recession pretty much inevitable
International market and NA markets will see large correction
Short selling in all housing related equities high and rising
Govt debt is high making more borrowing for housing relief political suicide
Bankruptcy rising
Investment in new rental stock will decline due to strict loan underwriting, OPEX and CAPEX increases and rent affordability falling.
NAR and CREA analysis is as credible as Trump legal advice. Totally biased.
Heard enough?


Crash crash crash
So they can go digital


Great video! When people are panicking that is when people should be buying stocks, crypto, and housing. Every rate hike pushes prices down. I am saving my cash to buy dividend stocks.


It’s GME. You point to empty spaces two videos in a row.
