BBC witch hunt made Boris look like 'Hannibal Lecter' claims Tory MP

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Conservative MP Adam Holloway has accused the media of launching a witch hunt against Boris Johnson and says the BBC made him look like "Hannibal Lecter."

#borisjohnson #bbc #newsnight #hanniballector #iancollins #talktv #talkradio
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Is there a media witch hunt against Boris?


When does Starmer and Rayner witch hunt start ?


Hit BBC where it hurts! Let's get rid of the TV Licence! We living in difficult times!! It would help and we can thank the BBC to go forth and multiply! 😉


BBC is a state broadcaster. We are quite capable of making up our own minds without toxic reporting. Toxic reporting just destroys the possibility of having excellent leaders.


Whos this lemon? Next hell be telling us Boris was on a ventilator and had covid and owes his life to the NHS. Oh 😮


Whether ambushed or not, he should of stopped it instantly, told them it was not appropriate, he is after all is supposed to be a very intelligent man running the Government, after just once he should of massively clamped down on any such events, if he cant be trusted enough to enforce the rules he makes he should not be setting them.


Yet the same Conservative Govt is Still forcing unto hand over £159.50 to the BBC or face a Fine True or True ?


I have a question, did it say Boris Johnson on the ballat slip, or did it say the conservative party? Will someone please tell me because I have never voted in Britain. When I was in the Army my Dad had my vote as proxy and I would tell him who I wanted to vote for. Since leaving the Army I live in Germany, so this is a genuine question.


By the way - why so many video suppliers turning off the comments section. Is that free speech and democracy?


Our Dear Leader told parliament there were no parties, then if there were, all guidance was followed. He knew what was going on, that Statton lady resigned over a mock press conference and he pretended to be outraged about it months ago .By his interpretation of the rules I could, as a self employed person, have had customers and colleagues round for drinks as long as we discussed "work " .At the same time the government said I couldn't sit the other end of a park bench from my mum. These rules were riduliculous and he was hoist by his own petard and deservedly so . I will never forgive the removal of my liberty and part of my daughter's education whilst he carried on with business as usual except if the cameras were rolling.


We have a life changing project on the go. TALK RADIO WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU.???
