Graph Embeddings (node2vec) explained - How nodes get mapped to vectors

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Learn how the node2vec algorithm works. 🚀
To unlock Machine Learning Algorithms on graphs, we need a way to represent our data networks as vectors.
I will help you understand how simple the node2vec approach is.
We will walk through the maths and explore how we can generate powerful graph embeddings.
1. Understand the problem
2. What's the context of a node in a graph
3. The equation of the optimization problem.
To unlock Machine Learning Algorithms on graphs, we need a way to represent our data networks as vectors.
I will help you understand how simple the node2vec approach is.
We will walk through the maths and explore how we can generate powerful graph embeddings.
1. Understand the problem
2. What's the context of a node in a graph
3. The equation of the optimization problem.
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