Task-Based Phase 1 Flight Test is FINALLY HERE!

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Advisory Circular 90-89C now stipulates that a builder can use a task-based flight test program during phase 1 in lieu of a 40 hour fly-off.

This video discusses the particulars of the requirements of the FAA as well as the required elements of the flight test program. I'll give you resources to help formulate your own!

I will update this list of resources as the EAA creates them. I will also link to my flight test playlist when I create it!

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Heard it here first. Note a possible clarification. As a result of another EAA win second pilots are permitted outside of typical as needed for operation.


Very cool. I also think I remember seeing a video or webinar last year where the EAA said they were waiting for the FAA to finalize this AC before releasing V2.0 of the Flight Test Manual, but that it was essentially done and was just going to get slight revisions once the AC was official so that it was directly in support of the new AC 90-89C.


Great stuff, Steve. I'm hoping this will help speed up my test flight program, too-- OSH 2023 is still the goal. Randy


Great info thanks, subscribed.
(A full 52 seconds went by before you said you flew Eagles)


Great info, makes more sense rather than just the 40 hrs.


Thanks for sharing this. I had not heard anything about this updated AC yet. Now I just need to finish building my plane so I can put it to use.


Nice ! No clue what your saying. But sounds like your happy. Cool when you going to share the name? Thanks for letting us be a small part of the build. God Bless brother..


Wow!!! That’s great news for all the home builders out there!!! Great find!!! I have to say, I’m like you.. I dress for the occasion when its below 0 degrees outside.. I like warmer weather and I’m definitely ready for spring to happen!!! I’ve played in enough of this white garbage to last a lifetime!!!


I was just chatting with a buddy about this. Isnt the DAR or FAA instpector who issues the airworthiness the one who specifies the Phase 1 requirements and limitations? My buddy suggested talking with the inspector first to ensure you can actually get this option.


It seems like something that should not have taken so much time. Once someone points out that it makes sense, everyone should have been in agreement to do it this way all along.


Great Find... You are the first to point this out. My DAR inspection is 3rd week of March and I just emailed him about this.


Excellent! My DAR inspection to be scheduled for April 3rd. I’m kit 194, so lots of data out there for me to start with.


Awesome news for everyone! Hypothetically what would be the quickest amount of hours you could complete this task base flight testing?


Task based makes perfect sense. May actually make for more thorough and comprehensive testing and documentation of. In Canada we have required 25 hrs of snag free test flying for some time. If you have a major snag to fix the 25hr clock restarts. We have 2 main task based things to prove, 1st that the fuel system can deliver at least double the engine’s maximum requirement, 2nd is a gross weight climb test to weed out excessive gross weight claims or unrealistically low power installations.

Shedding restrictions at 40 or 25hr is a nice technical/bureaucratic threshold to cross and it makes carrying passengers legal BUT because every homebuilt is essentially a “one off” it is unrealistic to expect to be snag free at that point. It took me about 100hrs to chase down every rattle, rub, hot spot, chaffing bit, minor leak etc, now with 300hrs and just done the 2nd annual on my S20 I still found a few things that needed attention.

The published EAA test program that Steve mentioned, is terrific, couldn’t imagine commissioning an experimental ship without it. With the G3X capturing every imaginable bit of data every 1 second and powerful (free!) tools like Savvyanalysis available you can accurately get through the flight test tasks in much less than 25hrs. It’s chasing down the inevitable minor building issues that that takes the time.


Awsome! I'll be at OSH. Hope to see it there!!!!


So crazy that you are getting so close. Seems like you just got your kit not that long ago. Congrats and thanks for the great videos. I live in Bend and would love to check out your plane sometime.


I'm your biggest fan, how do I find you at oshkosh?
