Free 2 Hour Fiber Optic Training

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In this video, understand how fiber optics work in 14 chapters. From fiber optic theory, OTDRs, splicing, enclosures, connectors and how to maintain products and equipment by proper cleaning procedures.

0:00 - Introduction from John Bruno
2:35 - Chapter 1: Fiber Optic Theory
16:59 - Chapter 2: Fiber Optic Connectors
21:55 - Chapter 3: Splice On Connectors
37:52 - Chapter 4: MTP/MPO Style Connectors
46:43 - Chapter 5: Fiber Optic Cable
53:45 - Chapter 6: Fusion Splicing
1:06:12 - Chapter 7: Cleaving Fiber
1:14:57 - Chapter 8: OTDR Operation
1:24:43 - Chapter 9: Power Meter & Light Source
1:28:45 - Chapter 10: MTP/MPO Test Set
1:34:23 - Chapter 11: Enclosures
1:40:33 - Chapter 12: Network Design
1:49:43 - Chapter 13: Cleaning Fiber
1:59:15 - Chapter 14: FIS/Conclusion

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At 6:46, the equation on Index of Refraction, the audio is correct but the graphic is wrong. The graphic should be IOR equals Vacuum divided by Medium (Speed of Light)


This is one of those videos you stumble at 3 In the morning and you watch it even though you have a completely unrelated career


Got hired at an ISP in mid August last year and are doing a big fiber optic expansion to our network so I am trying to gather info before i actually get trained on how to splice. Thank you for providing this free course! I'm sure it will help others.


Hi, i am fiber optic technician from Munich. I really liked the video, I plan to do something like that in the future, to teach others. I started 4 months ago my channel dealing with fiber optic splicing (passive components). I'm still new to YouTube and I'm watching to learn as much as I can. I hope I can use your video in my playlists. Greetings from Munich


I am a master degree student in Electronic Engineering, in Roma La Sapienza. Thank you for this compressed course, it's amazing!


Your style of teaching is really engaging. Great course, thank you for posting this!


This is such a great video, I am independently studying to prepare for my new cabling job where I will learn how to run and terminate fiber optic cables. Getting ahead of schedule with these lessons is of immense value, Thank you!


Thank you for creating this masterpiece I have been trying to start a isp in a heavily wooded area and trying to figure out the best way to get started in this difficult market. This was very informational and helpful hopefully this one man band will be successful!


Thank you for sharing. I found it very interesting. Wish you a nice weekend!


Detailed explanation and great visuals for better understanding. Thank you for you effort. This video really is a masterpiece.


Getting ready to embark on a massive fiber buildout in our facility, really appreciate this!


This was awesome to watch, and helped me understand what I am doing and why I’m doing it. Enjoying my time as a fiber optic splicer apprentice.


I start a fiber job tomorrow, this was very insightful.


Excellent video, clear info, and no annoying distractions. Thank you for this valuable content!


Very humble and clear explanation style of Mr. Bruno, it's great and lovely video, I remember the philosophy of my friend Japanese, he said "educate customer first and then do the business". I'll try to evaluate and get the all needed data because after have looked at your video I want to educate this topic to my student, I am aeronautical lecturer. success for always to all of your team


John this video is amazing your knowledge of fibre optics is extensive. I forwarding this video to my less experienced colleagues to watch. I apologise if iv missed parts on the video but if i haven't then i feel there's a few extras that need to be explained on certain sections. They may be basic but can help.
1. Multimode is generally used over short a distances. Singlemode used over longer distances.
2. With OTDR testing explaining a merged event at connecter end which gives a non reflective event. If people know when cleaned reflection becomes good but your connection loss is bad, we know its a bad splice in the termination panel. If you clean your db connector loss reduces but your reflection is still bad then we may have a bad patch lead or damaged fibre inline.

3. SFP Gbit i feel it needs to be explained if you have multiple patches through a network if you have bad reflection over bad splices you will not have a TX RX connection. Gbit sfps will generally work through a bad splice depending on distances. If you have 1 or 2 bad patches with bad reflection this will stop a connection.

As i said this is a great video id like to chat im not sure how to personally contact you but id like to pick your brain on some other bits i would like to know.

Hope to chat Dan


When I worked for AT&T we used 3M's mechanical quick term on a 900 micron installed wire. Where I work now we use the fusion spliced pigtail method to the drop wire in the NID then the premises tech uses a pre-made jumper from NID to gateway. Having used both, I will say the fusion spliced pigtail method is WAY better and more reliable.


Thanks FIS for such a great resource on Fiber. Keep sharing new stuff. You guys are awesome!!


Sir John Bruno's method of teaching is amazing. Appreciated 😍


I love the video. Well thought out and organized, very informative and enjoyable to watch. Love the ending too... Great job and thank you! Looking forward to starting a partnership with FIS...
