How to fix a Maytronics Active20/30/60/Dolphin when it runs a few seconds and stops

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This is why YouTube is worth every penny. Videos like these are gold. It helped our little vacuum, thank you!


Thank you so much! This video should be the first one that pops up when a search is done for an automatic pool cleaner starting then stopping! Thank you so much!


i had the same problem, i was a click away from ordering a new control unit until i came across this video. took 5 minutes to fix. thanks a million guys!!!!


Such a quick and simple fix, sometimes I just need an expert to point me in the obvious direction. Thank you!


Thank you so very much for making this video! It worked perfectly for us!! You not only saved us money but time waiting for the repair.


Worked perfectly. Thanks for saving me $150 and a trip to the pool store. Why Matt Tronics doesn’t include videos like this with their FAQs is beyond me. Thanks again.


I was very disappointed to take my impeller out and find that it was spotless. I found a tiny acorn or pebble in one of the directional vanes that surround the impeller. I removed the 4 screws popped that little guy out (it fell in the lawn and was gone so I'm not sure what it was) and put it all back together. To my delight, my robot is back to cleaning! So while it was not this exact issue, it was very similar and I wanted to let other viewers to know to make sure those directional vanes surrounding the impeller are clear of any tiny bits of grit. Thank you!


The impeller gets jammed up so easy that I'm surprised they have not come up with a solution like a screen to prevent hair and debris from getting trapped in there.


While waiting for Maytronics to contact me about my Dolphin Explorer 20 that would travel 2 feet before shutting down, I found your video and followed your instructions. I found that a very small amount of hair wrapped around the impeller was the culprit. Thanks again for taking the time to make this video!


Thank you so much! You just saved me hundreds of dollars at the pool store! My impeller had long hair twisted around it into a knot, which thanks to you and your clear directions, I cleaned off. And now my Dolphin pool vac is working!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!


Sitting at my work station today facing off against 6 of these bad boys diagnosing and I tell you, Your videos are very very helpful Thanks Alot!


Thank you for the video. I wish this reply may help someone else out. The propellor was clear. After checking the belts, realized my drive gear wheel was hopping around out of balance. This created a start and stop effect under a normal cleaning cycle. The small gear output of the motor was binding on the drive wheel.

I swapped the left drive wheel for the right drive wheel. Cleaner is back in business. Be sure to take a close look at the gear and wheel play after removing the track belts. Placing an order for a new wheel. Device is cleaning like a champ. Cheers!


This was the EXACT problem I encountered today (after several cycles picking up winter debris from the bottom). The instructions took me 15 minutes to fix our "Little Geek". Debris plant "needles" had wrapped up the impeller like
weeder whacker line. 5 minutes to clean out. "Little Geek" back in business! Thanks, Craig!


That was very helpful. I have seen a number of videos that simply showed how to clear the impeller from above. We have four trees behind the pool and lots of palms that shed those little wiry threads. Thanks!


Thank you! Our “Lil dude” was doing same thing and I just cleaned the fan area with my fingers and he was good to go after doing same start/stop. He’s been picking up pine needles and the ladies’ long hair which tangled up the fan. Didn’t wanna risk breaking the waterproof seal. He’s happy to be back to work now 😂 What an amazing little machine. Was gonna try to find an expensive replacement on Black Friday, but saved a lot of money. Thanks again!


Thanks Craig! Just what we needed. Saved us some money and it is a simple operation.


Thanks Craigie. We at the Ripley Homestead appreciate your guidance. We have Rosie up and running again thanks to you.


Thanks for this video. Looks like many people are having this problem. This is definitely a DESIGN FLAW! For my 10-year-old Dolphin DX3 I need to unscrew only 2 screws to clean the impeller. Maytronics is in the business for many decades and should fix this PROBLEM instead of keep on confusing the customers with many labels & covers. The customers should NOT have to get into the GUTS of the machine to fix this common issue.


This issue happened today 12/23/2023, and your video helped me figure it out! Thank you


Great Video! Definitely earned a subscriber, had a little piece of plastic that was jammed and preventing the impeller from spinning. Saved me a lot of money Thank You!
