Testing Scary Minecraft Lies To Prove Them Real

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Was there anything in this one I missed? Let me know below…


21:47 there’s red wheat behind u
7:58 the Black villager was behind u
8:26 the Black villager was behind the chest
9:12 The Black villager was walking behind the window when u jumped in the portal
13:02 the blaze rod kept tuning red and yellow
15:38 blood blaze killed u
4:14 the Black villager was under the tree
7:58 u got trapped in the stronghold it was blocked
19:15 the spelling stop appeared By the farmers wheat
9:56 blood particles
21:06 the wheat turnee Red then back to yellow it attacked the villager
21:20 shipwreck behind the river
13:51 blood blaze appeared at the top at ur screen
4:06 villager is above u
7:16 the blacksmith disappeared in the background


1:27 I SAW NULL! Also null is a minecraft myth, not a forgotten minecraft villager


Behind the chest in 8:25
Behind the iron bar in 9:12
Blaze rod changing to blood in 13:02 behind preston
Wheats changing to saying TOГ in 19:15
A wheat changing to red on the farm in 20:13
Wheats dissapearing in the village in 21:45
4/5 shadow snakes thingy following preston behind in 21:47
Plz like my comment🥺🥺🥺


1:27 Replay of Black monster
1:58 Blocks teleoport away
2:07 The Black monster outside the window
4:15 Black monster beside the tree
6:37 Villager starting straight at you
7:16 House dissapred
7:58 The exit patched up
8:26 Black monster behind the chest
9:12 Black monster behind the iron bars
11:08 Spanner teleports
12:29 Grass and withered flower teleport next to the blaze spawner
13:04 Blood rod 🩸
15:38 Blood blaze
17:33 House wants to eat him
17:44 Blood wheat
19:16 It says a word?
20:14 Blood wheat
21:07 You can clearly see the Blood wheat
21:47 Blood wheat
23:48 huge Black villager sun
23:53 Black villager


22:56 No villager entity’s were found. But where is the forgotten Villager?


7:15 the black smith house dissapeard
7:58 the black villager is blocking prestons exit
8:28 the black villager was behind the chest with a creppy look
9:12 the black villager was walking to ward you


Scary Sun/Villager
Above you there is null 4:06
7:15 blacksmith disappears
7:58 entrance got blocked
9:12 black villager moves towards you
Bl00d Blaze
9:56 red (bl00d?) particles
13:03 Bl00d rod
15:39 Bl00d blaze on the side
Bl00d Wheat
16:24 ik this isn't his gameplay but he didn't notice red particles
18:19 invalid Farm generation, the water should spawn in a line + O shaped grown Wheat
Wheat Invalid Generation sais "T O P" 19:15
19:23 the House at the left spawned 1 on top of another1?
20:14 1 piece of Bll0d Wh34t
21:20 Shipwreck behind water
21:45 Wheat disappear
Reply what I missed
Things sawn by replies:
8:26 null
13:52 blood blaze upper right
21:06 Villager dies, below him blood wheats
Guys Thank you all for commenting my misses, but please stop commenting the 8:26 null, it's a black villager and see I have already writed it!-
UPDATE: Slicing the timelines to parts that preston investigated!


If anyone who didn’t come from Tik tok, they are allowed to like this comment.


6:22 All of the Villager houses keep repeating except for the Blacksmith’s house


Preston, stop turning around, just never turn around. You keep missing stuff when you turn around!


At 4:06, villager null is above you. At 4:14, the villiager null was under the tree. At 7:16, the blacksmith in the background disappeared. At 7:58, you got trapped in the stronghold because the entrance got blocked. At 8:25, I saw villager null again. He was behind the chest when you closed it. At 9:11, villager null appeared once again behind the broken iron bars and was slowly approaching you. At 9:56, there were blood particles. At 13:02, the blaze rod kept turning to a blood blaze rod, and back into a regular one in the background above the spawner. At 13:51, the blood blaze spawned at the top right of your screen. At 15:38, the blood blaze killed you. It was on the bottom right of your screen. At 16:24, there were blood particles in the video. At 18:19, the water doesn't naturally spawn like that. At 19:15, the farms grew their wheat spelled out the word STOP. At 20:14, one of the wheat turns into blood wheat. At 21:06, the wheat turned into blood wheat and attacked the villager. At 21:20, there was a shipwreck behind the river. At 21:47, all the wheat on the farms disappeared. There was also some blocks disappearing.


The “ so you’re going into the McDonald’s house “ got me rolling. 1:55


7:48 for 1 nanosecond you can see the entity
8:26 again
9:13 how did you not see that
12:45 the lever is red
13:03 Red Blaze rod
13:06 the blood blaze is right there for less than a nanosecond
13:51 there it is again
19:15 the wheat spells out top
21:07 the farm hurts the villager and turns red
23:48 R.I.P😂


Things you missed:
1:24 enity behind da window
4:06 the entity is above u
4:15 enity peaking under tree (the azelea or what u spell it tree)
7:15 the black Smith behind u (Preston) broke or just vanished in the air
8:25 enity behind chest
13:01 blaze rod becomes red/blood and then it glitches
13:51 the red eyes at the bottom right corner
15:52 random dirt block at the right corner
17:45 wheat turns red
18:18 I don't understand but another comment said the farm is making a face
19:15 wheat changes at top
19:21 at bottom left corner the dirt blocks is making a path to cave
20:54 villager looking at u (Preston) is glitching
21:06 the villager that looked at u (Preston) stepped on the wheat and it turned red and the wheat grew back?
21:46 you might not see it but the villager's hat is glitching and the wheat that turned red is taking over the village
22:38 entity behind door
23:43 the zombies that r flying is seen on the black big entity (which is on he left of the entity)
23:47 the entity

Btw i typed this while drinking water


Look really closely at 4:14 and you can kind of see the black entity with the white eye below the tree
7:16 A village house disappeared
7:58 The exit closes itself
8:26 As soon as the chest closes the black entity appeared
9:13 You can see the black entity outside
9:56 Some red particles
I don’t feel like doing the rest


8:25 black entity appears behind the chest


entity at 4:15 peaking out of under tree
Entity behind chest at 8:25
13:01 blaze rod becomes blood and glitches
Red eyes at top right corner small at 13:51
Blood blaze at 15:38 in bottom right corner
Random dirt block at 15:52
At 17:45 wheat turns red
18:18 farms make something first farm makes amount us next 0 or o last looks like face last farm is amount us
At 19:15 wheat changes to say tops
19:21 bottom left corner dirt blocks lead in cave
At 20:54 villager looking at him is glitching
At 21:06 same villager stepped on wheat and it turned red and wheat grew back
At 21:21 front of house under water
At 21:46 villager hat glitching and red wheat taking over village
At 22:38 entity in behind door ( zoom in to see better)
23:43 flying zombies is seen on left of big entity


14:52 2xxblood230 was the only seed that I can think of Preston actually crafting a blood blaze spawn egg using blaze rods, wither skeleton skull on the top center and redstone dust in the middle
