I can tell this footballer is a right leg footballer 😧 ridzhamridzuan
I can tell this footballer is a right leg footballer 😧
Im guessing he kicks mostly with his right leg shaunszalai
Im guessing he kicks mostly with his right leg
I didn’t known you could even grow that many vanes on your legs.🤯🤯 traysenguymon
I didn’t known you could even grow that many vanes on your legs.🤯🤯
Imagine if professional footballer’s martial art were taekwondo💀 Vladimirtri
Imagine if professional footballer’s martial art were taekwondo💀
Bro why is only his right leg ripped. Also that’s what a real football players whole body looks like. lincolnkenney
Bro why is only his right leg ripped. Also that’s what a real football players whole body looks like.
Oh, you mean a soccer player? Gotcha. Mr_NB
Oh, you mean a soccer player? Gotcha.
Soccer or American football? Just checked its soccer ⚽ L-strength
Soccer or American football? Just checked its soccer ⚽
Am a right legged player and my leg is jacked ghalamalkawi
Am a right legged player and my leg is jacked
Bro i know for a fact thats a professional runner cause no footballer wears those types of shoes normally. Varun-editz
Bro i know for a fact thats a professional runner cause no footballer wears those types of shoes normally.
That was shocking. Don’t know what I was expecting but… lizbujosa
That was shocking. Don’t know what I was expecting but…
Holy frickin' cheeseballs.. that is definitely a lot of veins and you see every muscle VERY clearly in a way i didn't know was possible😧 Mrs.Kvackington
Holy frickin' cheeseballs.. that is definitely a lot of veins and you see every muscle VERY clearly in a way i didn't know was possible😧
What football are you talking about? The real one ⚽ or the American hand ball 🏈? tarannumali
What football are you talking about? The real one ⚽ or the American hand ball 🏈?
I have no idea what football your talking about but I’m guessing soccer TopHat
I have no idea what football your talking about but I’m guessing soccer
Balls NEXT Nah jk😅
That's not football that is soccer let's call it what it's kafiprivott
That's not football that is soccer let's call it what it's
Bro really experianced *what do u wanna be when u grow up?* *I wanna be a 🐴🐴🐴* Mappastodio
Bro really experianced *what do u wanna be when u grow up?* *I wanna be a 🐴🐴🐴*