The Dukes Who Own The United Kingdom (Documentary)

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This full-length documentary explores, in-depth, the dukes of the United Kingdom who very often have more wealth than the royal family.

A Duke, in the hierarchy of nobility, is of the highest rank, second only to the monarch and the Dukes of today navigate a world where their influence is exerted subtly, yet their presence in the socio-economic landscape of the United Kingdom is undeniable.


0:00 Introduction
1:13 The Dukes of Devonshire: Britain’s “Old Money” Political Empire
29:24 The Dukes of Buccleuch: The Wealthy British Family That Owns Scotland
45:53 The Dukes of Northumberland: The "Old Money" British Family That Owns The North of England
1:05:04 The Dukes of Westminster: The “Old Money” British Family That Owns Half Of London


Exploring the prestigious and influential “old money” families of Britain, this documentary delves into the lives and legacies of some of the most storied aristocratic dynasties.

The documentary begins with the Dukes of Devonshire, a family whose political clout and heritage have positioned them as a cornerstone of Britain's aristocracy.

Their story is a fascinating blend of power, politics, and tradition, reflecting the enduring influence of Britain's noble families.

Next, the documentary turns to the Dukes of Buccleuch, a family renowned for their extensive landholdings in Scotland.

Their wealth and status are emblematic of the historical and ongoing influence of aristocratic families in the United Kingdom.

It explores their history, current interests, and the role they play in modern Scotland.

The journey continues with the Dukes of Northumberland, a family synonymous with the history and ownership of large parts of Northern England.

Their story is intertwined with the region's history, reflecting centuries of influence and stewardship over the lands and communities they oversee.

Finally, the documentary focuses on the Dukes of Westminster, a family whose name is synonymous with immense wealth and real estate holdings, particularly in London.

Owning significant parts of one of the world's most influential cities, their story is a remarkable example of how “old money” aristocracy continues to shape modern urban landscapes.

This exploration not only delves into the history and impact of these storied families but also offers insights into the evolution of “old money” in Britain and its lasting impact on the country's social, political, and economic fabric.
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The Cavendish line if dukes shines by the absence of incompetent crazies and the uninterrupted line of competent heirs whereas most noble families had, by the laws of probabilities, at least one crazy or dimwitted heir who spoiled the prowess of the family and often squandered the family fortune.


If they didn’t keep this land from developers, you would have no countryside, none.


Thank you for the honesty of this excellently detailed documentary.


Thank you for sharing! Very interesting! Awesome!


You forgot that the late Queen mother was a cousin of the Cavendishes.


There is the juxtaposition of aristocracy and old money being rather cash-poor, and the nouvelle riche who have their money in a more liquid state. My husband is a Spencer-Cavendish, one of many. Most are not wealthy. American cousins are not given appellations, nor anything as crass as a fortune. It is lovely, though, to see the beautiful country homes in Britain.


Binging these videos and its fascinating learning about all the old money families i already know about with living in Dumfries and Galloway ❤
Keep em coming


You forgot Duke Ellington and the Duke of Earl.


Who's here after watching The Gentlemen series


What puzzles me, the land was free no one owned it except our creator, but yet the word bought comes out of the mouths, for had it to sale in the first place, I will say no one. You can't sale what you do not own, , the land belongs to humanities and always was and is


It’s a documentary with a point of view. Every single TV show, movie, documentary…the list goes on and, has a point of view, an audience it’s aimed at. How can you not know this? The world isn’t always about your point of view.


I can sit at the same table now, I’m titled as a Lord and own 1 square foot of land in Scotland.


Dukes were introduced by Norman invaders they have not integrated. We never recovered from 1066, no wonder many Saxons left England to go to Byzantine lands.


He's wound to give up the title. I don't think he's willing to give up the money lol


A monarchy
is to manage
The peoples estate.
The people own
the crown, estate.


Oh more cousin's of mine! These families all married each other so once you manage to get past the 1700s you are bound to be related at least as a cousin.


I visited Chatsworth!! I still cherish the memory of seeiñ the Stately home!!❤❤


A little point from a European neighbour. This video was educational and interesting I did learn even more then what i knew from England and Scottish history not only from school but also family members from there. Without being too critical the demand strikes me why with all their power and assets and many of them in the house of lords they let destroy this beautiful country and culture. Britain should have been the first in line to put a stop of massif immigration certainly what they brought in the last 20 years. How is it hey did accept this decline and have no power over the government MP's and accepting them even in the first place. Many of them are a ruin to the country . Why not wait until these new incommers are considered politicians only after the 4 or 5 generations to be sure their thoughts are no more in their motherland instead of fully integration in the culture. By all means we know this is happening in many countries in Europe thanks to EU who seeks relentlessly to destroy everything. But why is this Elite so eager to unite themself with the Elite of the EU who is a danger for the population in the whole of Europe. Not thinking that sooner or later with their decisions will be the next in line to be eliminated. Would like to find someone with an answer to this.


Great Britain was once a dukedom run by Dukes.

Then became a Kingdom run by Kings.

Now it’s just a County run by C****.



I wonder how much the rates they pay on this property.
