Rich Noob Made 10 Trillion Honey! Got Gummy Boots And 50 Bees! - Bee Swarm Simulator Roblox

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Track: 4URA & Young Viridii - Yesterday [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Track: Elektronomia x Stahl x RUD - Caramel [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Track: Culture Code - Not Giving In [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Track: Leat'eq - Sunrise [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Track: Lost Identities x Robbie Rosen - Moments [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Track: T & Sugah x NCT - Find A Way (feat. Cammie Robinson) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Raise your hand if you been watching mayrushart for a long time 🤚🏻


and this is the true meaning of "money can buy time"
this guy made my 1 year progress in less than 20% of the beesmas


I love how he makes us look poor but we still enjoy it


The fact this man spends months progressing and recording/editing just to entertain his viewers in a single video is heart melting


This dude is really full on with his content like I can’t believe he spends a lot of his money for his viewers to enjoy his content and on how much time he spends so I just gotta definitely say thank you May❤


Raise your hand if you been watching Mayrushart for a long time 🖐️


Idea for new bee swarm simulator mechanic!
Pinecones are a multi-use ingredient that can be used as a treat or consumable. As a treat: +1000 bond and has 100% chance to give any blue bee the "Pinecone token" ability (when collected has 50% chance to give 2-5 pinecones or 50% chance to give honey. The more pinecones you feed them the higher chance the bee will give a pinecone token). As a consumable: gives a random consumable effect or ability effect (Common: red/blue/white boost. Uncommon: buzz bombs, buzz bombs+, boosts+. Rare: various nectars, stinger, red/blue extract, oil. More rare: vicious bee spikes, glue, haste x2, super rare: purple potion, baby love+, gumdrops. Exclusive: bee bear/bbm blessing [beesmas exclusive] super smoothie and coconut drink [pinecone bee exclusive]). New 40+ bee zone! Has the Pine tree shop, an acorn field
And the big acorn shrine, they're all located behind the pine field
Inside the pinetree shop is koala bear, a shopkeeper and questgiving bear. (Inside of the shop is: koala bear behind a countertop, a new endgame glider called the "leaf twirl glider" that gives a triple jump, free pinecone dispenser and payed pinecone dispenser, acorn planter, pinecone magic bean, acorn beequip [obtainable from koala bear beesmas quest only used on pinecone bee] a prickly mega match, and left and right acorn guards) he has 10 really hard quests and the 10th quest gives you a metal pine needle, when you use this on the big acorn shrine it cracks open the hollow acorn and gives you a pinecone bee. When opened, the big acorn shrine can be used like the wind shrine. (When items are offered it gives the equivalent amount of honey and pinecones as well as field boosts, it almost always gives an extra pine field or acorn field boost no matter what item given)
PINECONE BEE (blue event bee)
GIFTED HIVE BONUS: +3 min for all status effects and consumables
Speed: fast
Attack: doesn't attack
Energy: infinite
Pollen amazing
Description: an ancient bee made of wood and seeds! This bee loves the wilderness.
Abilitys: pine (lasts 4 min, any ability or consumable used at this time gets 5x better +.5 per 5 lvls) ancient rumble (shakes the field you're in stunning enemies for 1 min, pollinating flowers quickly and and glittering the whole field with various bee abilities from Your hive!) Blue bomb+, blue boost+, pinecone token+ (10-20 pinecones), [only gifted] koala bear morph (×3 speed, x5 jump, x4 tool pollen, x5 bee pollen, x3 bee speed, running around leaves a line of pinecone tokens behind you) [only gifted, acorn beequip, max lvl, and both guards] allout event bee attack! (All event bees Temporarily turn into 5 pinecone bees each +1 per 5 event bee lvls, all are aggressive and fight enemies rapidly. Other players in the field will get the same effect but one for each of their event bees)

(pinecones have a chance to give coconut drinks and super smoothies.)(
If pinecone bee is gifted, pinecones fed to non-blue bees also get the pinecone token ability)

•Pinecone is no bees favorite treat
•pinecone bee likes to party
•at one of koala bears birthday parties the clown was buoyant bee
•koala bear quest names:
°1: what's up!
°2: robo bear already?
°3: polar bear and black bear
°4: ants and crabs
°5: halfway there!
°6: robo'd again!?
°7: I swear I'm not bubble bee man
°8: all gummed, burnt, and bubbled
°9: beans of the magic and jelly
°10: sorry about this one
°beesmas: acorn time!
•digital bee is pinecone bees cousin
•some of koala bears text insinuate an acorn and pinecone god
•koala bears personality is laid back and sensitive, like a hippie. He is a simple minded pine farmer.


I think I speak for the community when I say we need a Part 3!🙏


While it’s nice to see how dedicated he was to grinding and making this episode, it’s irritating to see how easily you can progress by just dropping a lot of money


8:57, luckyyy he got a mythic egg from festive planter really nice.


This is one of the mess ups from mayrushart
(Not hate comment)

Stinkers 1:44

Rey clay planter 3:14

Our bees 3:38

4:28 soo


Are we not going to talk about the fact that he got a mythic egg from festive planter at 8:58 like that’s insane! great videos btw!


The thing that is making me go insane is the fact I’m tryna get my first star treat while may is over here donating tons of star treats…


Hey mayrushart i had a video idea if you did another bss video. So you will be returning on this account and you maybe make around 250T honey, make a lvl 20 hive and turn into a red hive or any other hive colour you can decide (this is a video idea you dont need to do this but im sure a lot of people would have much fun watching that)


This does not prove gamer is pay to win. It might be pay to make it easier but its his choice to spend over One Thousand dollars. If you grind you can be really good for free,


This series is going crazy, i love it and yeeee u should continue 💜


You should for sure do another part getting the dark scythe and windy bee. These videos are always amazing seeing how being rich can get you way further than someone like me.😢


He used a ton of stuff for his last boost, so the numbers were probably doubled from what they should be, as he used a festive bean (festive bee boosts didn’t expire for many clips)


He always give awesome content congrats on 2.5M


Mayrushart always makes our day and always goes beyond for his fans <3
