Texas Rising Trailer

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Texas Rising is a 2015 History Channel 10-hour television miniseries based on the Texas Revolution against Mexico and how the Texas Rangers were created. It is directed by Roland Joffé and premiered on May 25, 2015. The series stars Bill Paxton, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Ray Liotta, Brendan Fraser, Olivier Martinez and Cynthia Addai-Robinson.
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I actually really enjoyed Texas Rising. But it is nothing like this trailer portrayed


The Mexican Army, commanded by General Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna, was not so big or powerful, was rather small and with limited resources, the film wants to make Mexicans look bad, but in reality, the Mexican soldiers were only defending the integrity of the Mexican national territory, since Texas was a Mexican province, that did not have the right to become independent, Texas was being balkanized by the US-American immigrants to appropriate it, the Mexicans only went to defend the sovereignty of the national territory, in definition, US-Americans were illegal in Mexican territory.
So the US-Americans, have no moral quality, to call the Mexicans illegal, when they were the first illegal in Mexican national territory.



1- The only truth for which the Mexican 🇲🇽 province of Texas was Balkanized, was because the Mexican central government of General Santa Anna declared slavery illegal in Texas.

2- Mexico prohibited the use of slavery in Texas as a form of work, Santa Anna abhorred slavery and the father of the nation of Mexico, Miguel Hidalgo, had abolished it in 1810.

3- The rebels US-Americans, many of them illegal immigrants in Mexican territory, did not like it at all, the Mexican law that eliminated slavery in Texas, quickly rose up in arms and declared Texas independent, US-American immigrants wanted to keep slavery as a legal form of work.

4- General Santa Anna, president of Mexico, did not allow the secession of Texas, since it was a Mexican 🇲🇽 province recognized in the constitution, it had no right to separate.

5- Santa Anna's army was an army poor in resources and weapons, it was not like Hollywood that shows it as a powerful army with the latest technology weapons, in reality the rebels used new weapons financed by Washington and Mexico fought with weapons of the time of its independence.

6- The Mexican soldiers were in his territory, the invaders were the US-Americans.

7- Thus began an armed conflict between both parties that led to the secession of Texas.

8- The Mexicans are the villains of a story badly told by the official historiography.

9- After the annexation of Texas to the United States, Texas was created as a slave state.

10- Before the civil war, many African-American slaves from Texas crossed the Rio Grande to be safe in Mexico from their captors, Mexico protected them with its anti-slavery laws.

That's the truth, why don't they tell it?


Entertaining show, however, it is horribly inaccurate!!!!


Poor excuse for entertainment. I love Texas. It is home. This Hollywood pulp is but abject revisionism.


Esto es una ofensa para quienes conocemos de historia. Una bazofia
