Treasures In Heaven

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In Jesus, the Kingdom of Heaven is breaking into reality, establishing a beachhead of the new creation. And Jesus is inviting us to follow Him into this cosmic disruption. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime, to get in on the ground floor of the greatest Kingdom the world will ever know.
Here's our choice: Will we keep on investing our time and energy and resources in the Kingdom of Earth? Or, will we see this breakthrough for what it is, will we understand the opportunity, will we get in early and invest in the Kingdom of Heaven?
In this passage from Matthew 6:19-24, we find three deep insights into what it means to invest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
1) The Two Treasures: Our treasure is our trajectory. If the treasure of our life is an earthly one, the trajectory of our souls is heart-wrenching, because we'll always feel at risk of losing it all. But if our treasure is in heaven, our trajectory is different, because our future is incorruptible. A heart tied to heavenly treasures can weather any storm. Choose wisely, because our treasure is your trajectory.
2) The Two Eyes: Our beholding is our becoming. What we see and savor, shapes the character of our inner life far more than we realize. We can’t help that we are designed for worship, but we get to choose what we worship. And what we worship will either devour us or fulfill our deepest longings.
3) The Two Masters: Our loyalty is our lifestyle. Whatever we worship in life will win our allegiance, because our loyalty is our lifestyle. We serve what we seek; we live for what we long for. God is the only master who gives us our life back when we serve Him.
Takeaway: What are you living for?
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Matthew 6:19-24
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Here's our choice: Will we keep on investing our time and energy and resources in the Kingdom of Earth? Or, will we see this breakthrough for what it is, will we understand the opportunity, will we get in early and invest in the Kingdom of Heaven?
In this passage from Matthew 6:19-24, we find three deep insights into what it means to invest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
1) The Two Treasures: Our treasure is our trajectory. If the treasure of our life is an earthly one, the trajectory of our souls is heart-wrenching, because we'll always feel at risk of losing it all. But if our treasure is in heaven, our trajectory is different, because our future is incorruptible. A heart tied to heavenly treasures can weather any storm. Choose wisely, because our treasure is your trajectory.
2) The Two Eyes: Our beholding is our becoming. What we see and savor, shapes the character of our inner life far more than we realize. We can’t help that we are designed for worship, but we get to choose what we worship. And what we worship will either devour us or fulfill our deepest longings.
3) The Two Masters: Our loyalty is our lifestyle. Whatever we worship in life will win our allegiance, because our loyalty is our lifestyle. We serve what we seek; we live for what we long for. God is the only master who gives us our life back when we serve Him.
Takeaway: What are you living for?
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Matthew 6:19-24
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