Garden Trellis Clean-up

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Joanna visits with Emily Pfeufer, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Plant Pathologist to talk about cleaning up trellis materials in your end of season garden.
Trellis materials, especially tomato and pepper stakes, can be sources of disease carryover from year to year. Metal cages, stakes, and tools are easy to disinfect in order to prevent heavy bacterial disease carryover. To disinfect, hose off items with fresh water, then spray or drip with a 10% household bleach mixture. The mixtures is one part bleach to 9 parts water. This solution serves as a contact solution. Once disinfected, rinse or spray off with fresh water. You want to find a good place for storage once metal cages and stakes have been cleaned. Store under a cover or in a shed. This helps prevent dirt and debris getting on your newly disinfected cages and stakes. When the new gardening season approached, take out cages and stakes. Look closely to the surroundings. If you find any droppings, webs, or anything else, you can do the disinfectant solution again. Wooden stakes are harder to maintain for bacterial disease carryover. They are not cleaned effectively due to surface area. When the gardening season ends, consider replacing them.
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Warren County Cooperative Extension Service
Trellis materials, especially tomato and pepper stakes, can be sources of disease carryover from year to year. Metal cages, stakes, and tools are easy to disinfect in order to prevent heavy bacterial disease carryover. To disinfect, hose off items with fresh water, then spray or drip with a 10% household bleach mixture. The mixtures is one part bleach to 9 parts water. This solution serves as a contact solution. Once disinfected, rinse or spray off with fresh water. You want to find a good place for storage once metal cages and stakes have been cleaned. Store under a cover or in a shed. This helps prevent dirt and debris getting on your newly disinfected cages and stakes. When the new gardening season approached, take out cages and stakes. Look closely to the surroundings. If you find any droppings, webs, or anything else, you can do the disinfectant solution again. Wooden stakes are harder to maintain for bacterial disease carryover. They are not cleaned effectively due to surface area. When the gardening season ends, consider replacing them.
For more information contact and follow us on social media.
Warren County Cooperative Extension Service