How to Increase Google AdSense CPC

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How to Increase Google AdSense CPC

This video details how ton earn higher on google AdSense through increasing the CPC. Please note that all procedures described are legal and allowed based on the Google AdSense policy.

Google AdSense is a program run on the Google platform through which website publishers in the Google Network of content sites serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google. They can generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis.

How to Set Up Adsense - The First Step in the Process of Earning Money With Google Ads.

Google Adsense is a service that enables website owners to earn money from their content. It also allows advertisers to reach the right audience and increase their return on investment.

The first step in setting up Adsense is to sign up for an account. This can be done by going to Google's website and clicking on the "Create an account" button.

Next, you need to decide which type of Google Adsense account will work best for your needs. There are three types of accounts: individual, partner and publisher.

After selecting the type of account that you want, you will be directed through a few steps where you will provide information about yourself as well as your website or blog's name and address.
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Don't follow the instructions in this video guys. The sole purpose for the blocking control is to control what to allow on your site. It is meant for to block competition, inappropiate ads for particular audience for example children safety, unwanted ads for example you don't want to show meat type of ads on your vegetarian site etc. By blocking networks you are destroying competition and ad offers. If your site has low CPC, 9 out 10 it's the quality of your content.

Don't believe me? Here is what Google said in the YouTube video 'Lesson 1.3: Allowing and blocking ads': "Allowing all ads, creates the most competition in the auction for units, which produces the most revenue for your ads. Keep in mind that the ads you see on your screen are not necessarily the same ones the your users will see, as ads are served up on our user by user basis."


Pro tip:
Blocking too many ads or categories means fewer advertisers bidding for space – and less income for you. Remember, visitors will only see ads relevant to their preferences.


No need to copy the high cpc ads, if you block low cpc ads, it would automatically filtered from all of the ads.


Guys don't watch his video, he doesn't no anything about the google adsense so plz avoid what he is saying, as my cpc was 1 and now it's 0.03


How can you tell which one has high CPC or Not?


You showed the low CPC that you already saved in word document. How can I get all the low CPC site and high CPC site?


ola amigis eu sou de Angola e não entendo a vossa lingua estou a usar o Google tradutor, então preciso da vossa ajuda


Wow. Nice tutorial. Thanks. My site is few months old but recently I noticed a surge in my earnings and found out I had a cpc of 0.20 and I was amazed. Lol. To learn now that CPC can be up to 10-15$ that's a motivation. Thank you for the video!


Nice video, can you provide list of low cpc provide websites...


but how do you know which is high CPC and which is low CPC? From where did you create that list in the document?


Clear explanation sir, lemme do it now.
Wait for my feedback 👍🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍


thanks for sharing I just got the low cpc url but my questions is these urls are they applicable to our individual sites?


Wow 😲. Brother I have watched and watched videos but you killed it bro. You explained each and every step so calm.and correctly bro. Wow am pleased to have known your channel. I have subscribed and would love to know more updates. Thanks 👍 for this


Pls how do I get the low CPC and high CPC list


Hello, the link isn't available. Please help out. Thanks


Bro am sorry to say i don't if you know that after watching this video without that link the video is useless, update the link is not like you don't know it broken i have just finished watching the video and time to download the list link is broken it so annoying


Can't find ad networks in blocking controls, there any way to find it?


This is a misleading video. Of course, beginners are going to believe what is said here. For one, the video doesn't show proof that the CPC has increased after blocking the URLs.

As an Adsense publisher for the past 15 years, I've not made any of these tweaks and still earn a high CPC. Of course, you can forget about $10-$15 just because you block some advertisers' URLs.

CPC depends on the niche you're in. If you're in a niche where the competition is not stiff, then you're going to get a low CPC.

Just by blocking some Advertiser URLs, your CPC isn't going to go up.

Also, Google serves ads based on site reputation. If you have quality content, Google is going to give you ads with high CPC.

So, focus on improving the quality of your content.
If you follow the blocking advice in the video, you may even end up with a lower CPC than what you're earning now.
Google in fact warns you about this.

So, don't manually block any URLs and just leave Adsense to automatically block any URLs that are not appropriate.

If you're new to Adsense, just use auto ads so that Google can choose the best CPC ads for you.

Google auto ads overcome the problem of low CPC overall.

If you have a new site, be realistic. You can't immediately get a very high CPC.

Stay in the game and you'll see improvement.


Nice tutorial. Pls should i block all the 3000+ ad networks and free only the 250 ad networks with high cpc on the high cpc list to get increasment on my cpc?


The link you attached to blocking low CPC ads is not working
