Select Fonts With Font Dialog Box - Tkinter TTKBootstrap 26

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In this video I'll show you how to use the Font Dialog book for TTKBootstrap and Tkinter.
The FontDialog box is a fun pop up box that let's you easily select fonts and font sizes for the text of your app.
It returns a font that can be passed into any widget that accepts a font attribute.
#tkinter #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
1:29 - Import FontDialog
1:55 - Create Label and Button
2:59 - Create FontDialog Function
3:39 - Create FontDialog Instance
4:10 - Update Label
4:46 - Conclusion
The FontDialog box is a fun pop up box that let's you easily select fonts and font sizes for the text of your app.
It returns a font that can be passed into any widget that accepts a font attribute.
#tkinter #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
1:29 - Import FontDialog
1:55 - Create Label and Button
2:59 - Create FontDialog Function
3:39 - Create FontDialog Instance
4:10 - Update Label
4:46 - Conclusion
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