Antigone - trailer

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When Creon refuses to bury the body of Antigone's unruly brother, her anger quickly turns to defiance. Creon condemns her to a torturous Death - she's to be buried alive.

Acclaimed playwright, Roy Williams, takes Sophocles' play and by placing it into a contemporary setting brings this classic tale up-to-date.

A timeless story about loyalty and truth, about how we make meaning out of life and death and what in the end really does matter.

Pilot Theatre, Derby Theatre and Theatre Royal Stratford East present
A new version by Roy Williams

Directed by Marcus Romer
Designed by Joanna Scotcher
Lighting Designed by Alexandra Stafford
Sound Design by Sandy Nuttgens
Associate Director - Tom Bellerby

Derby Theatre
19th September - 4th October
Box office: 01332 59 39 39

Northern Stage
7th - 11th October
0191 230 5151

Nottingham Lakeside Arts
13th - 14th October
0115 8467777

Lawrence Batley Theatre
15th - 18th October
01484 430528

York Theatre Royal
21st - 25th October
01904 623568

Watford Palace Theatre
4th - 8th November
01923 225671

Gulbenkian, Canterbury
11th - 15th November 2014
Click Here to book via Gulbenkian website
Box Office: 01227 769075

Theatre Royal Winchester
18th - 22nd November
01962 840440

Exeter Northcott Theatre
26th - 29th November
01392 493493

Theatre Royal Stratford East
19th February - 14th March 2015
020 8534 0310

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I'm very impressed with this. Was the full production ever filmed? I wuld really love to get a copy if so.


This looks amazing! Is there anyway for me to watch a full recording?


Is there any chance I can get the full length of this showing online for my kids? I'm teaching the unit right now. I'm willing to pay for a copy.
