The Guerillas Rarely Win...Reuploaded Because Some People Can't Handle Reality

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NOTE: This is reuploaded because talking about the nature of conflict and showing child soldiers holding guns, apparently goes against community guidelines. Yeah, showing the bad stuff about war is bad. You can upload a video showing a woman waxing their perineal area with nothing censored at all, God's creation just hanging out there, and that's ok as long as it's a "how to." But the sad picture of a Burmese child holding a weapon in a little talked about war zone goes against the rules.

-End Rant-

The ability to engage with a higher PERSPECTIVE is key to surviving. It goes against the old maxim that "perception is reality." That's a cop out for poor leadership. It's also a highly emotional way of thinking.

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Video: The Guerillas Rarely Win...Reuploaded Because Some People Can't Handle Reality

Tags: salt stack, saltstack, prepper, shtf, prepping, doomsday preppers, prepper videos, survival, emergency preparedness, preppers on youtube, teotwawki, survival skills, survivor, doomsday, end of the world, nuclear war, disaster, emergency, prep, collapse, preppers, shtf prepping and survival, shtf prepper, guerrilla warfare, prepping for shtf
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Incredibly ignorant and honestly embarrassing to post this video.


Insurgents don't have to win battles against their enemies, they just have to outlast them.


They may rarely win, but they can make things really, really difficult and expensive for everyone else in the process. And that's often the point.


Its not that they rarely win, its that they usually lose battles but not the war. Guerilla tactics are meant to make the war to costly for the enemy to continue while constantly gaining local support to keep refilling troop reserves.


Here's an excerpt from an article i read years ago: During one of his liaison trips to Hanoi, US Army Colonel Harry Summers had his now famous exchange with his North Vietnamese counterpart Colonel Tu. When Harry told him, "You know, you never beat us on the battlefield, " Colonel Tu responded, "That may be so, but it is also irrelevant."


First goal in a guerilla war is to punish. Winning is nice but not required.


The guerrilla wins by not losing, but the State loses by not winning. All the guerrilla has to do is stay alive and remain in the fight long enough for the State to lose the political will to fight. This will happen when the people have gotten tired enough of the State's abuses, so the guerrilla must be seen as a friend to the people in order to now quickly turn them against the State.


You forgot the Yugoslav Partisans, who did manage to liberate their country with limited foreign support. That's why Tito was able to form a Communist Yugoslavia that wasn't completely controlled by the USSR after the war.


the american mind instead of trying to comprehend guerrilla warfare, they change the definition, and say: "uh uh, we didn't lose that war, we killed more people 😄". You did lose the war. The ultimate goal of a war is to drive the enemy out of the battlefield. If your enemy won't fight, he doesn't have negociating power, so if the enemy leaves the battlefield, you won. When the USA pulls out of afghanistan, it loses the war.


It kind of sounds like you're asserting that the Taliban simply "redefined" victory in Afghanistan.
How can anyone say that Afghanistan was not victory for the Taliban? They absolutely got everything they wanted since 2001. They are back in control of Afghanistan, they have established their Islamic state and every presence of US or Western Armies is gone.

Arguing with meaningless statistics of casualties is really weird and misleading. In the end it does not matter.


I understand not counting non-US death since one may argue that the creation of a native allied army is a direct byproduct of the invasion, but I feel like this is misrepresenting the effectiveness of guerilla. For instancce, there were 313, 000 south vietnamese military death.


The goal isnt necessarily to always "win" but make your enemy wonder if "victory" is/was worth it in the first place.


The Taliban axiom "They have all the watches but we have all the time" rings rather mendacious. The Coalition killed every major Taliban player and a few middling and minor ones, but that doesn't matter because a new generation of warfighters would be recruited through fundamentalist Islam. Therefore, as long as your idea—not you—survives, the future generation gets to claim victory. It's honestly depressing.


So you criticized the use of “winning” and the supposed “redefining” of the term, then never actually set the definition you believe is correct.

“Winning” is exactly what happened to Al Qaeda, the NRA in China, the Vietnam Cong, etc if we consider their stated goals. How would a political victory not constitute a “win” especially if that political victory was the goal in the first place?


if you educate people instead of adding to the overall brain rot style content, the algorithm hates you.


Says Vietnamese "lost" and afghans "lost" but Americans "won" against British.

They all won. Because foreign occupiers left. Clearly some major bias here lol


To make it simple think....can you conduct guerrilla warfare or insurgencies with no weapons, no bullets, food, water or morale? Vietnam was supplied weapons by China and Russia. Afghanistan was supplied by the USA and decades later by Pakistan. Ammunition and weapons are not infinite and indestructible. Especially when fighting for decades. Think of it like fighting to defend an island in outside forces to provide you goods you will eventually run out. I can't think of many guerrilla forces that won or could have by themselves


US Army Colonel Harry G. Summers Jr.: "You know, you never once defeated us on the battlefield."
NVA Colonel Tu: "... That is true. But it is also irrelevant."


"Insurgents don't win"
Taliban: Hold my goat milk.


That take on Afghanistan is some pretty hardcore copium. Bin Laden was gone from Afghanistan within months and we knew it, then the US spent 20 years and about two and a half *trillion* dollars trying to prop up the Afghan National government, even for *10 years* after Bin Laden's death. At a certain point you have to admit that the objective changed and that the USA took a massive and undeniable L.
