Shimano Brake Bleed - Quick and Easy - How To

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A quick and easy tutorial on bleeding Shimano MTB brakes. Learn how to replace your brake fluid and bleed the system. We also have a 3 part series that goes into more detail if you want to nerd out!

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I just did this last night, before watching this video. One thing I would add is that once you are finished at the caliper end, and have the bleeder tight, fill the cup again and flick the brake lever a few times. Doing this should help remove any residual bubbles from the system.


I’m no pro but to add a Little something.. flick the lever also to release and bubbles and back out the adjuster screw as you flick and tap brake then screw back in… might get some more bubbles to release but this is pretty thorough pushing the oil back-and-forth through the system probably don’t need the lever trick I mentioned, but doesn’t hurt. 👌


This was a fantastic way to bleed the brakes. Clean and easy! It got all those tiny air bubbles out with ease. The brake feel is so precise and responsive. Thanks for the tutorial!


Something about how you explained this really helped it click for me- thank you


This is by far the best video on how to bleed the brakes. You explained it well. I would have no problem attempting this now. Thank you very much for taking the time and posting this awesome video!!


Nailed this video mate. Thanks so much. Now I can definitely do this myself. Love it when people hand down knowledge. Improves us all!


Very well explained, you made it easy to understand. I know in other videos I've seen them push in the calipers in place the yellow block inside. Not sure if you did that or not. Thanks!


Thank you for that procedure, now i will refresh the brake fluid in my TREK 6000 MTD 👍 Au


Until I swapped over to magura I didn't realize how easy it is to do a lever bleed with a syring instead of the cup. Maybe it takes an extra 3 to 5 minutes but much more effective. Just watch how to do a quick bleed for magura you can use that on Shimano or SRAM brakes. Works like a charm


thank you very much worked great for my bike


appreciate this video. I've never had to fully bleed my brakes. I've burped the lever a few times but never a full bleed. That might change in a few days. i bought a larger travel fork so my front brake hose might be too short (going from 120mm to 160mm travel) I might have to replace the brake hose with a longer hose so a full brake bleed will be necessary. Wish me luck, hopefully I won't actually have to replace the hose since my new frames headtube is shorter so I'm hoping the shorter headtube and longer travel fork make up the difference in the length of the brake hose lol.


Great video!! I noticed that you run your rear brakes on the left side, never seen that before


most helpful vid ive ever seen, tysm ily


Love from Nepal
This video is helpful


Awesome job! Thanks for explaining so well!


Simple job and your explanation was simple and good!!! Finally a good how to video that didn’t leave you more confused!!! Thanks for the video !!!


Easy assembly, known brands like Shimano gears and Schwinn


This is probably the best break bleeding video I have watched. Just blead my front brakes, and they work good :-) Thanks


We have had people in a facebook group asking why their pistons are stuck out after watching this video. No bleed blocks used and those people pumped their lever like most videos show.


Thank you....thank you...thank you!

"You don't need this part here"

I did! In my bleed kits i have an elongated piece of plastic with different sized holes near each end. I never knew what it was. None of the 4 local bike shops I've gone to have used one in front of me. None of them.mamaged to bleed my rear brake properly.

The tube was always slipping off the bleed nipple. It was decalred 'unbleedable'. I was considering a punctured lever bladder and buying a replacement.

So, I attached it firmly with the plastic piece, and ran very slowly back and forth the oil. Major patience mission. Put back together and my brake isn't perfect, but it doesn't go to the bar anymore on that first depression of the lever. It has a solid feel to it, not mushy. There's still a pump effect though, on the first depression, so I'm going to repeat tomorrow when I have more time, and make it my mission to get the last bit of air out of it! Slowly goes it!
