Building Your First Headless WordPress Project with ACF PRO and WPGraphQL

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Building API-driven WordPress experiences can empower developers to deliver new and exciting experiences for their clients and expand their offerings. While some developers make the choice to go fully headless or decoupled, all developers can benefit from understanding how to build WordPress experiences using API-driven patterns. In this session, we’ll start with a basic React app in a code sandbox and use data from WordPress, ACF, and WPGraphQL to create a single-page app powered by WordPress. Although we’ll use React in the session, we’ll try to have enough scaffolding in place so that even those unfamiliar with JavaScript can code along with us.
By the end of this session you should be able to:
✔️ Understand when a Headless infrastructure makes sense for your project
✔️ Model different types of data in ACF and expose that data in the REST API and WPGraphQL
✔️ Fetch data from the WordPress backend using WPGraphQL inside your sandbox application
✔️ Use data from WordPress to render dynamic UI components in React
✔️ Deploy fully headless projects using the Atlas platform
GitHub Repo:
Headless WordPress resources:
By the end of this session you should be able to:
✔️ Understand when a Headless infrastructure makes sense for your project
✔️ Model different types of data in ACF and expose that data in the REST API and WPGraphQL
✔️ Fetch data from the WordPress backend using WPGraphQL inside your sandbox application
✔️ Use data from WordPress to render dynamic UI components in React
✔️ Deploy fully headless projects using the Atlas platform
GitHub Repo:
Headless WordPress resources:
Building Your First Headless WordPress Project with ACF PRO and WPGraphQL
How to build your first headless WordPress project with ACF + WPGraphQL | DE{CODE}
Building Your First Headless WordPress Project with ACF PRO and WPGraphQL
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