Motion Cam App RAW Video vs Sony a7s iii

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Motion Cam App Review | Android smartphone 4K RAW Video comparison with pro camera Sony a7s iii

Motion Cam App is a free app that allows your supported Android devices to record RAW videos in DNG format and it unlocks great potential for mobile videography, but is it that much better than the stock camera App and is it comparable to pro camera like Sony a7s III? Today we have a comparison of OnePlus 7 Pro shooting RAW DNG video via Motion Cam App vs Sony a7s III 4K video comparison. RAW video on a smartphone vs pro camera Sony a7s III. Also we'll talk about RAW video on a smartphone workflow, benefits and drawbacks of it and more! Enjoy watching!

#motioncam #motioncamapp #androidrawvideo

00:00 - Motion cam RAW video on a smartphone vs Pro Camera
00:42 - Compatible devices and sensor limitations
01:17 - Footage comparison with Sony a7s III
03:20 - Workflow nuances | it's a pain...
04:04 - Do you need a powerful computer for it?
04:50 - Recording options and external SSD
05:25 - Conclusion and upcoming firmware

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Would you shoot RAW video on a smartphone?

#motioncam #motioncamapp #androidrawvideo


The folder of exported DNGs can be dragged to DaVinci Resolve and everything is handled like a single file. Then just auto color in the color space and some sharpening then export thats it. There is no need to process images in Lightroom at all.


I agree that the workflow can be hellish. But in exchange, I can potentially get comparable footage to my Sony mirrorless. So, I'd say it's a good trade-off in situations where I want maximum visual quality with minimum setup.


Fast forward in 2024, motioncam app has been used by Samsung and Google to promote their phones. It also now record in mcrawlog, prores and hevc 10-bit.

I’d also love if you can revisit this video with newer motioncam app v3 and with oneplus12 or oppo find x7 ultra


HI, about noise in motion cam footage.... there is a tool call motioncam tool for poc which convert file container to CinemaDNGs.
while converting, there is noise reduction of 4 level. which has better noise reduction than in lightroom.


One of the best comparison I have ever seen I've been waiting you're such a video for 4 months or even more maybe👏👏👏👏


convert the video on your macbook, use davinci resolve for editing and your process will be 10x smoother, motioncam footage is just awesome with zero artifacts no compression i love it


Now the video is complete!! You finally got the gopnik in there!


Great video, Oleg! Finally! I remember asking of this test back in December 😊😊
Yeah, 7 Pro not the best to deliver this, but this workflow is much more easier recording that straight on SSD through usb-c to usb-c adapter and converting on windows pc. Davinci handles those raw cinema dng's on windows pc easily for me. Wonder why its more issue of stress on mac - it should be opposite:)
For many asking which phone is best - i would say for 4K60fps raw is 1+8Pro / Mi 11 Ultra or Mi 10 Ultra. S20/S20FE with snapdragon 865 works very good too up 4K30fps. Also Oppo Find X3 Pro.
Any new release of 2022 phones is very bad. Phone's are degrading in some way.


fair assessment, I think shooting with mcpro24fps is a better quality/workflow solution.


Xiaomi Poco X3 works too. For better performance without damaged frames use more RAM in settings and crop top and bottom. I using 3480x1920 with ISO 100 and 1/48 shutter speed.


OMG. Raw quality . detail compare. Thank you.


The gap is closing in! I remember recording video with vidicons, the change to CCD and the added software to counter its low inherent contrast and of course software would correct the lens issues as well.


I've found that using free open source blender software to sequence the raw dng files into a uncompressed avi video, gives the fastest and easiest raw video file that can than be fully graded with video edit software. Just FYI


In 5 or 10 years we know phone cam will be even better so better results with motioncam, the quality will keep getting better with the app since cams in phone will keep upgrading

S20fe which I have shows it’s not as clear as s22, s22 isn’t as sharp or clear as s24, s9 isn’t as clear as s10 and so on with models of different series phones


shooting on motioncam is kinda like shooting on a film camera because of lack of storage and instant playback


I did more tests this morning compared to 400mb to 1200 mb, and the difference is very small; a person needs to zoom in and nitpick to see the difference, so I would say 400 mb is the max at which it shows a good jump from 230 mb, so I suggest a person stick to 400mb. directlog


To me motion when compared to stock or any other phone cam app looks like dslr quality compared to a phone cam


thanks for this...I didn't know the app


This much workflow is so unnecessary.
Use davinci resolve. You can even get better quality with less noise because davinci resolve is the only editor that debayers dng files correctly and it's free. That chroma noise its happening because small sensor but also bad debayer of files.
Smartphones that have camera2api enabled can work with this app, but app is not optimized to work with all smartphones.
I have Xiaomi mi a3 $150
My friend have realme 5 gt with bigger and better sensor and have more chroma noise in the shadows at lower iso.
