New Music Teacher Tips

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Whether you are a new or current music teacher I hope that you can find some of these tips helpful!

I am sure there is so much I missed! What would be your top tip for a new music teacher?
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I’m in my 3rd year teaching. My advise is to not compare yourself to veteran teachers or other specials classes that are quiet, like art. This year has been my best year because I’ve let go of caring what other teachers think about what I’m doing in music(which is usually being loud!) or how I’m handling my classroom management.


Love these videos. I taught a high school class 24 years ago. That scared me for a while. Starting up fresh with K-5 this week. 55 years old.


Hello, this was super super helpful. I cried on my way home from work yesterday and watching your video has encouraged me so much. You are amazing and your content is very helpful. Every single tip is valuable, thank you again.


Thanks for this! At 22 years old I start my position as a music teacher for Pre-K through 6th grade next week and this really helped me feel more prepared.


As a music teacher I can say that the first year is something else. But if planned carefully, the second subsequent years become much easier which in turn allows you to explore possibilities. Great tips.


I am a first year elementary school teacher who doesn't have a whole lot of experience. I've honestly never felt so overwhelmed and I'm feeling a bit lost. So thank you for this video.


Fantastic ideas! I like how you stress the classroom management piece. It can make us or break us, truly.


I have my music teacher certification but a lucrative opportunity came up just as I graduated. Now three years later, I am ready for my first teaching job. Your advice is spot on (based on my experience as a music and general substitute teacher), and it will help me as I get back in gear to teach music. New subbie here!


Thank you so much for this great advice


Awesome tips! I’m a music teacher for 14 years now, BUT all my lessons were in Europe. Coming to The US was so different. I’m still working on getting my PEL here to be able to teach in a public school and listening to you has given me some ideas of how it will be like here. Thank you. Looking forward to watching your future videos.


Very helpful and encouraging video. Thanks for all the practical, down to earth tips.


Loved this! Thank you for this, I'm a first year teacher here and have been a little stressed!


Thank you. This video was helpful. I recently started teaching and I did make some of the mistakes you mentioned earlier in the video. I was also validated by some of your statements which made me feel good as a new teacher. I will be returning to your channel. Have a great day.


First of all I don't know who could not like your video, let alone TWO?! Anyway, I just want to say thank you so much for this video. As a new teacher I'm trying to be proactive and not let the imposter syndrome take over. So these tips are really great and brought on such good points. Talking about prior trauma about singing is such a real thing and I'm glad it's getting talked about.


Great job! Thank you for the help My wife and I are going to teach music at Lighthouse Christian school in Twin Falls, Idaho.


This was so helpful! I’m so glad I found your channel ❤️


OMG!!! I needed to hear this! I'm a new music teacher in the public school system although Ive taught at community music schools and privately. I was wondering if you had any ideas to entertain pre-k thru 3rd graders?


Thank you soooo much!!! I wish you could also talk about some ideas for the foundation stage. And how to keep the class active. It's my first year and i am kinda overwhelmed and have so many ideas but it's very hard to apply with crying children. So please can you say some ideas. I subscribed already .



Thank you for this. I am a professional musician/recording artist living in Honolulu. I recently agreed to teach music to K-4 at private school. Where really close friend of mine who teaches dance there, approached me and asked if I would be interested. Aside from teaching ʻukulele workshops internationally, I have no real experience teaching in a classroom environment. Especially to children this age. I’m a confident musician, and honestly this has me loosing sleep. I’m trying to find out everything I need to know about classroom management. And how teachers use clever ways to focus their attention at the top of class.

Thank you for sharing this video. These tips really are helpful, and your attitude and experience is a great motivation. I really feel I can do good for the school, so I want to do well.

I love the recognition our ʻukulele I getting all over the world. And am amazed at it sounds in lots of the different kinds of music. Can I make a suggestion? in my workshops, the first thing I do, is to let people know how to pronounce the name of the instrument. And I understand the language barriers of different countries, and don’t make it a big deal. But I find it’s an important part of passing through the halls of time if it stays as true to its original form. If you’d like, I can send you a link to some one that says it correctly. Just let me know. I’m subscribing!

Mahalo Nui
Keaō Costa


Thank you so much for this video. I'm a newly qualified music teacher and I found these tips very helpful :)
