Clay Johnston | Training the Physician of the Future | Exponential Medicine

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WATCH NOW: Clay Johnston delivers his presentation on training physicians in the future on day three of Exponential Medicine 2016.

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Greatly enjoyed the innovative ideas but find that if someone that hasn't gone the scholastic avenues would NOT have the chance to experiment w/old or more contemporary aspects of healthcare.. Truly spitballing here but folks w/chronic problems would do much better having massage therapy and/or acupuncture but i guess money isn't made from these treatments. I David Eldridge would bet anything that if clinical trials were done w/the understanding of other modalities would help at least the 'chronic' patients. Of course the acute is an entirely different aspect of the treatment the patient would need. So is a major part of the problem w/the immediate ascertaining what the patient needs not only the second they're encountered but of course the follow-up. I actually think the systems can be tweaked and am saddened it has taken this long.. We see everything geared for children and folks tripping over themselves to help, which i think is Great, but why not just simply help who needs help regardless of ANYTHING ? Here's to hoping and yes praying for an even playing field and have some regulations against such astronomical fees that are forcing folks to not even want to get in the fields of helping their fellow humans ! I actually have faith that the people who truly want to help make this a better place to exist ~ May our Creator bless Us ALL ~ Cheers for an innovative 2020 ✌🍾💜⛥🌈🍻🎵☇🏞😎✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
