Week long search for missing 5-year-old now includes over 70 agencies

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Summer Wells has been missing from Hawkins County, Tennessee since last Tuesday night.
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I pray she is found & safe. That girl is such a free spirit, it is bittersweet watching her in the videos, enjoying swinging, swimming, dancing, jumping. May she have much more of that!! 🙏🏻


This is heartbreaking... can't stop thinking about this lil girl and praying for her safe return.


There are several vehicles on that property..has everyone of them been checked?


Praying she will be found safe. It is so so horrible that this has happened. God knows where she is.


I'm not going to guess as who did what to that tiny girl. We'll probably never know the whole truth. I can only hope she's found and hasn't suffered.


The tributes give me a gut wrenching feeling in my stomach.. the more days that pass, the dire this situation gets… no bueno.. been keeping up from Oklahoma


The father keeps coming up with all these unknowable scenarios to divert attention from himself. He lost his daughter but he's so unaffected and casual? Something really fishy going on there.


Do they have cedar chests in their basement for storage that they keep her toys in? When I bought mine I took the locks off of them or changed them then put stuff in them and told my kids they are not to go in them or go inside anything because it could be a hazard if the lid closed and they couldn’t get out. I’ve read that children have died in them. Did they check all such areas??


I am still praying for her. I hope They find her today. I feel so heart heavy for her parents. She is a beautiful child. You can tell mom loves her. Love the support and people searching for her and I am praying for a find. Everyone who is a believer I hope you are praying for all and her to be found.


God bless her. I pray she's found safe.


Parents did it. Probably the mom. She's not talking.


what mother leaves her 5 yr old daughter alone while she goes for a walk ? I believe she had either been missing a lot longer than 10 minutes like was told on the 911 call or the mother was gone longer than she is telling. The Dad sure is confident that she was abducted by someone ! ! ! This isn't going to end very well for the parents...


Here it is May and next month June 15th this baby be gone 2 year's...Those Parents needs be call in an Question they are still suspect..Needs be more searching out there we need more updates on this baby..
JUSTICE4SUMMER 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜


I've read that a strange man tried to camp on Wells' land (?) Also an old tramp looking guy has been arrested just 25 miles away in Kingsport for attempted abduction of 12 yr old boy..he has a CAR. Hawkins is only 35-45 minutes from there.


The first place you look is st the parents and work your way out from there... this is very very sad


weird who is this guy who just injected himself into the investigation, id be closely monitoring people like him and searching his home as well. very very odd


I have never understood why people always accuse the family first. Such a load of horsecrap to do that. Its not your business to comment on anything you knos nothing about. If you want to help pray for Summer to have a strong guardian angel to protect her and bring her home.


I think candus left summer in that hot car and did her what ever then got milk to cool summer down took she ask on the way taking him home if her arms where still up he said no she took summer to David Dotson so he could cremate her then he text her and said it's done then she screamed out told grandma to watch the boys got I'm grandma truck run back down the hill seen she told Judy sue summers missing called done then Robin they all planned the story out then the game started then she called 911 to report summer missing.thats what I think Judy sue no's everything to because she said she was the nosey neighbor and the boys where down in the creek Playing and grandma said summer never got out of the vehicle the whole time candus was back home that day I guess not because candus took her to be cremated then had to kill some time waiting for David to text her to let her no it's done check them crosses out I've seen a lot of videos she wearing it in her videos now


The dad is definitely suspicious. I’m not optimistic that’s she’s going to be found alive at this point. I think the police already know what happened to her, they’re just needing the body to have the evidence.


I pray that she is just lost. Hopefully at night people leave porch lights on, if they have spot or flood lights turn those on too, that way she can find her way to a house
