Pro Wrestling Illustrated VS The National Wrestling Alliance: Does The NWA Title Still Matter?

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PWI contributor Brian Solomon (author of Pro Wrestling FAQ) joins a round table discussion with Gary Horne and Brian Stinson to discuss Pro Wrestling Illustrated's decision not to recognize the NWA World's Heavyweight Championship as a legitimate World Title.
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Wow, the way he explains the NWA / WCW split, he's absolutely right. As a youngster in 93 94, we didn't have access to NWA on TV so I thought like many that the WCW was the evolution on NWA. That was a little wake up call. Now some of the docs I'm watching make more sense. 🤔👍 I've been watching since 83 and now that clears up a lot, down to how the NWA was even using the brand name.


This was a one helluva discussion right here. I believe that Solomon is an ally of the NWA!!!


man, this is really interesting. you're doing a great job on the front line, Gary. great job everyone.


I was born in '72, and growing up, I watched WWF, NWA, and AWA. I was a fan of WRESTLING, not any one promotion! When we 1st got a VCR, some of the 1st tapes we bought were from the NWA and AWA. I would watch just about any wrestling we could find on the TV, and when we got cable in the 80s, we found a whole lot more of it! Believe I or not, I got my love of wrestling (and roller derby) from my MOM! I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't know the NWA was back, but now I'll make sure to try following you guys!


great conversation....I used to read PWI, Inside Wrestling, The Wrestler, Sports Review Wrestling and the was taught that NWA was the governing body all the different promotions under the same banner, but NWA today is a promotion cuz it had to change with the times bka VKM stupid idea from 1984...


IWGP runs arenas in the United States. Has had as many, if not more shows in the United States. Until recently was on AXS-TV. I believe the NWA has HUGE value and potential. But you can't compare the NWA and New Japan.


Awesome podcast. You 3 have made my night!! #NWASTRONG


I must disagree about the comment concerning IMPACT World Title with this statement: Impact's WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP has been defended WAY MORE than any variation of the WWE/Universal Title! Seriously, look it up! It's been defended outside the US & on TV & PPV, and so has ROH's World Championship! And the NWA World Championship HAS BEEN DEFENDED ALSO! I DO AGREE that the NWA needs to have a TV deal, even if it's with TBS! No offense to social media, WRESTLING IS TELEVISION-BASED! It depends on TV! Overall, great podcast NWA!


As a younger fan, I don't want a ton of World Titles being 'recognized.' However, Impact, Ring of Honor, and the NWA World Title's should all be seen as 'legitimate' in the eyes of PWI.
There really aren't any other promotions out there that have earned that recognition.


I also hate how people ignore the accomplishments of Adam Pearce.


I see both sides of this discussion. The wrestling bubble and life long fans my age know the .N.W.A.. People who are into the business and maybe aspire to wrestle, they know, but the N.W.A has to push more to get the spotlight. I think the AEW cross promo helps. The United Wrestling deal helps. I'm pro N.W.A forever, but I see the public scope perspective of that guy with the mag or whatever he does.

In my mind there shouldn't be any doubt about the talent representing the N.W.A brand. Aldis and Rosa are puttin' n work. Not to mention the others who crossed over to AEW.

N.W.A is legit. Just kill the question mark guy 😂


Will you be putting this on Apple podcasts? Easier to listen to at work haha


Ten lbs of gold means most it has since 1988 and that’s due to Nick Aldis and Tim Storm. It’s the only world title that’s treated with respect and that means something in my eyes as a fan


It's the oldest most prestigious title in the world.


Damn right. It is the most prestigious title in North America at least if not the world. That title has been defended on just about every continent in the world. How many other titles have that distinction?


Who’s the guy that’s the silhouette 👤?


Not many wrestling companies r not gonna let another companies world champion let alone present another's companies champion above their own champion. If WWE brought in Nick to face Drew McIntyre he's not going over Drew same thing in AEW they won't put nick over Moxley either.


Boxing and, at one point, even MMA, had multiple World Championships per division/weight class per promotion.

In my opinion, which by no means is presented as a fact, is that there should be three criteria in determining what is and what isn't a World Title. Credible contenders/challengers and former World Champions in the mix. Consistent (internet or terrestrial) televised and (i)PPV programming. Every championship in your promotion defended in at least one other country outside of your home territory.


I have long considered the NWA to be the only true World title organization in professional wrestling. The question that I would ask is: "Does PWI Still Matter?"
