Take a Seat in the Harvard MBA Case Classroom

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Have you ever wondered what it was like to experience Harvard Business School’s Case Method teaching style?

Watch the Harvard MBA Case Method classroom brought to life by Professor Tsedal Neeley, author of "Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from Anywhere," and a section of current students and see for yourself what it’s like to be cold-called, participate in lively debates, and how this teaching style leads to emotional intelligence and lifelong application.

#CaseMethod #HarvardBusinessSchool #MBA
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This professor here proves the quote -'If you find your studies boring, probably you are learning from the wrong teacher'.


This is the type of educator that makes you feel safe to share your thoughts.


Some people may say she's putting on a show for marketing purposes. However, I've actually had a professor like this at my institution who showed up with amazing energy and excitement towards the course at least 97% of the time. There are professors out there like this who exist, who make learning fun, comfortable, engaging, and extremely valuable.


These students are not lucky not cuz it's Harvard, they're lucky they got such a passionate teacher.


I am an introvert, but sitting with these people and having those kinds of conversation is something I love to engage with


Today I phisically attended one of the MBA classes at Harvard as a visitor (you can do too, it is open). I thought the video was probably one of the most successful classes that can be shown publicly. But the real lesson was even better than this. Atmosphere, teaching, coordination, students are just unbelieveable. Around 70-80% students out of 95 (!) spoke at least once. The teacher did a great job in coordination. There was 20 minute summary presentation by her, which was cherry on top. I can't believe just a casual lesson can be in such a high quality


The energetic Harvard professor is igniting minds, transforming passive listeners into active contributors. She is incredibly awesome ! Professor "Tsedel Neeley" we Love you....


Imagine if every single person in the world were given the opportunity to an education like this from the very beginning of their schooling life


I'm sure, not every teacher at Harvard teaches like her. It is not Harvard, but the teacher who is making the difference here. She is an incredible teacher.


Both of my English professors (undergrad) had this same contagious energy! Not only did we learn how to write better, we became listeners, active listeners and enthusiastic learners.


She is such an incredible teacher! Loved how exciting, fun, challenging, and vulnerable she made the class all in one go.


Classes need to be more like this. It’s more of a conversation rather than just teaching material


I never hated learning, I just hated school.


I’m probably one of the oldest MBA students to be found anywhere. At 65 I’m learning more from the programme than I could possibly have imagined. This professor has so beautifully articulated the joy and value of learning by orchestrating her students into the realm of critical thinking. To all of you that may be pondering the value of an MBA, think no more. The value is incalculable - do whatever you can to follow this course of learning. You’ll never regret it.


i truly truly truly admire the way she teaches and how engaging the students are. This is exactly what i crave in teaching and learning at school, unlike what i am now experiencing which is so boring and tiring.


Imagine everyone already spoke but you’re the only one haven’t


I’ve worked with many of MBA grads, in all sorts of industries, both as coworkers or clients. I have worked with thousands of clients, save hundreds of millions of dollars in annualized savings. Many MBA-ers I’ve struggled with were those who had difficulty relating to the working people who’s jobs they’re trying to affect: above all the skill of listening. Classroom brainstorming and debates has a place, certainly, but an important lesson often missed by most MBA-ers is actually listening to the people. I must say 80% of my work is listening to everyone (to see how the system functions or not), and 20% is getting these people to work together as a team to accomplish the company’s business plan. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “We’ve been telling them (mgt) for years and no one listens to use. Workers — management work together as a team to solve problems before it requires any serious changes, like shutting down an operation, except of course due to safety reasons.


I'm a medical officer who currently specialized in Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health and hearing all of this discussion really open my mind. Really inspire.


Lets be honest here..even if this education is accessible to everyone, still, this type of students are special.. they WANT to learn..


I wanna cry... this is what education should feels like 😭
