Create reusable elements with ease -- Polycasts #14

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Creating reusable components doesn't have to be so tricky! Use the polyserve tool to make element authoring a breeze.


Demo source code

Polymer 0.8 documentation


Previous guide to creating reusable components

LazyWeb ep1

Polymer 0.8: First Look

Moar routing with... more-routing

Scrolling at 60 frames with core-list

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Great tip, thanks a lot!
Regarding future episodes, it would be so nice to have pro-tip about how to unit-test components. I mean: testing values and states is one thing, but lots of components are visual, and the components we plan to build are meant to be distributed, hence we're very interested in being sure their appearance isn't broken.
Has the Polymer team already investigated any best practice they can recommend on the subject?


Great to see that the #Polycasts  is still alive!

It would be great to do something with the Floating Action Button. This component is so iconic for the material design (and Polymer) that it would be great to see what to do it and how to do it right!

such a great motivator. He keeps me ongoing even if it is a dry topic like routing...


Is generator-polymer updated with all those things? I'd like to have in generator-polymer more things like this as a rapid reference, very useful for newbies.


Would love to see a post on communicating between different polymer elements and a round up of all the different techniques available.


Hi, great Polycast like always. I would like to see some episodes about localisation and/or Polymer Dart.


Are you planning to redo some of the episodes from v0.5 with v0.8? Learned a lot of best practices and would like to see the "new" way of doing things. Thanks!


In my opinion a Polycast about building a Polymer mobile app using a webview approach with something like Crosswalk/Cordova could be really interesting. 
And thanks for the show ;)


When 1.0 is released (at IO hopefully?) can we expect that core-elements and paper-elements will be updated and stabilized so that another 0.5 -> 0.8 transition won't break backwards compatibility (at least for a time)?

Do you also have plans to continue developing polymer designer, esp. in regards to the version in CDE?  I found this particularly useful to sketch out a quick element, but many of the templates are outdated at this point and unfortunately it looks like development has slowed, but I suppose that isn't your purview...

Thanks, and keep up the good work, really looking forward to a 1.0 release!


Hey Rob, Great Video! Are there any plans or resources that you know of that talk about ES6 and Polymer?


So cool to learn Polymer with @Rob Dodson ^^). Thank you.


Hey Rod, I'm really enjoying your videos. Could you talk about the advantages of using Polymer instead Jquery Mobile, Sencha Touch, AngularJs and others, please?
Keep up with the good work!


Hey Rob.

thanks for the show, im almost ready to take the plunge and start using polymer for a bunch of future projects at work, your video on routing was especially inspiring, but im concerned with both keeping a high pagespeed insights score and make sure that my code is w3c valid, could you give me some pointers on what to look out for?


I'd love to see a demo of using Polymer to do ajax based crud, with a focus on grids, forms and validation. I'd also love a signed photo with a walrus.


Hey Rob, thanks for another great cast!

My question is kind of broad and involves theming your website. In material design, most resources we see have the primary/secondary color (as is common in most places). You've mentioned before using the /deep/ to penetrate and style before, but also talk about how this can be "dangerous" because other elements may be unintentionally styled as well. Is there anything in the works for how to apply styling specifically. Also, just general discussion on the topic would be appreciated. Thanks!


Hi Rob,

thanks for all the great videos. As I watched now nearly all videos about Polymer here is my question  / topic for a new Polycast Video:

How do you implement the 3 most used Google APIs into your Polymer APP?  E.g. Maps, Sheets, ..

Thanks for the great videos.



Since there can only be one instance of polymer.html per web page, could you expand on best practices when using Vulcanize (i.e. when inlining external scripts such as polymer.js). Also the implications of this when web-components depend on different versions of Polymer.


Hi I have been developing using Polymer for a while and it's amazing how far we've come. I like the direction the project is taking with modularity 👍. There is one thing I'm still not sure how to handle with Polymer, I watched all the Polycasts videos and I love them, in one of them you explain how to use a polymer element <more-routing> to make a Single Page App with Polymer. However, you need to have all the HTML in one file. I have used AngularJS before and I really like the concept of views. I was wondering what is the best way to handle loading different HTML on demand and if there is an element that already does this for me. I'm pretty sure this doubt must have come up to you guys at Google so you may already have come up with a solution to my problem.


Hi Rob, here's my question: how do you make sure that if you start using other components than your own components, that you won't have problems with different versions of polymer? Currently only bower.json has that info and not your component. Naming is currently the same as in ../polymer/my-component/...


I'd appreciate if you could go over unit testing in 0.8. I know there is an article written on it, but it might be a bit out of date at this point since it was written in November.


Love those videos! Was wondering if we can integrate it nicely in our development workflow. I have projects setup with with Gulp + BrowerSync. I don't want to give up the auto reload feature from BrowserSync but it seems that I have to choose if I want auto-reload or canonical path..!
