Five Cutting Edge US Weapons Set To Be Deployed in 2024

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The United States, as the top global military power, understands the importance of military strength in safeguarding national security and stability. With an extensive arsenal of weapons and military equipment, the U.S. continuously improves and updates its military capabilities each year. In 2024, a number of cutting-edge U.S. weapons are scheduled to be deployed. In this video, we will showcase the five advanced U.S. weapons expected to be in service by 2024. Curious to know which weapons made the list? Keep watching to discover!

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I hope Boeing's military sector is a lot better than their commercial sector. Otherwise....


Just so you know: The Block70/72 Viper had a service life of 12, 000 hours (as mentioned) but the F-15EX has a service life of 20, 000 hours.


I believe missiles will be most decisive in a future wars. So i go for the PRSM as most impressive development. But it also depends on capabilities you did not mention. For example is the missile resistant to counter measures the enemy can use. Like jamming GPRS signal or shoot the missile down. How fast is the missile and is it able to change its flight path to be unpredictable. What are the cost per missile. In short " is the missile Future proof"...


From the comments, it seems the US weapons are not as impressive as before, I meant before the Russia-Ukraine war. Those west weapons might be over inflated in terms of cost-effectiveness.


Can the US get a weapon that takes out that massive debt? otherwise this just amounts to hopes and dreams if we cant afford these.


It will be interesting to see how ww3 plays out with the weapons advancements since ww2


So they claimed until the Iranian captured their top drone with ease. We saw over 10 US's hyped game changer machines and ammo made useless in Ukraine.


The U.S. military already have these systems in services. At some point we have to get unstuck from the 1990's.


An F15 Eagle 2 costs a little bit less than 100 Mio, a PRSM is 2 Mio a piece from a HIMARS launcher at a speed of 300Km/h (easy target for any S300 and above), a mojave cost 1.5 mio (Russia proved these area good target for their Sukhoi - a cat and mouse game when a flyby is enough to make inoperable) - very lethal against civilian targets. The destroyer is roughly 2 bio a piece.
My question is simple: how can USA afford this on tax payers based on a service economy which is not producing anything else but weapon and is in decline? Financially the deb is catching up and the economy is dying (if not already dead) - F15, you need 300 to 500 as the US is widely spread - the PRSM, at least 4, 000 as deterrent but in case of conflict, you will soon need a production of at least 1000/month can the industry fill the demand? - the drone is very dangerous for civilian population and goat herders but will become meaningless against any conventional military forces except maybe in swarms (= you will lose them all but got the target) and the zumwalt-class is a bottomless pit of top technology but still weak against and subs or coastal defenses swarms.
These weapons are more to be used as deterrence (against civilians and goat herders) but will have no practical impact on a conventional military conflict.


All that money and we cant even control our southern border


We are now exhausted with these U.S. made weapons, they are just more advanced on CNN and BBC not on the ground😭😭


I'll be surprised if the destroyer is in service for more than 5 yrs. Those hulls are having real structural failure problems, and the modular design payload has all but already been abandoned by the Navy. They cancelled the gun almost 1-2yrs back as the per shell cost went beyond reason so the gun which was to be a crucial weapon is now something they want deleted altogether. The whole class of them is an financial disaster and they are struggling to figure out how to use them without just scrapping them. Sad really but technology is advancing so fast builders are not able to keep up with changes and still be profitable.


Apply a stealth coating
and it will give it
all of the good features of a 5th gen aircraft
without the many downsides of a 5th gen aircraft.


And the new destroyer is pointless in the age of precision missiles.
Looks like tech from the last century.😂🤣😂🤣


So. you are talking a new version of planes first consigned (F-16 is NOT for USA!) in 1976, another large recon drone, a single ship ( the last of a series of three, instead of the tens of them planned...).
The new rocket is interesting and useful instead, so one of five being not just a stopgap patch is actually good.
So, no news about the T-7 or the increment three for F-35?


Very advanced that those equipments won't work in the battle field especially when the opponent is a strong country.


lol, bringing back the f15 and f16😂🤣😂, what happened to sixth gen fighters?


Dudo que los laser sean efectivos contra misiles hipersonicos. Un arma láser necesita mucha energía para destruir un misil. Aún más energía si el misil viaja a 2000 m/s debido a que tendrá menos tiempo para dañar su estructura. Los láser tambien pierden su efectividad según aumenta la distancia al objetivo y el clima. Por la fricción que debe soportar un misil hipersonico se tiene que construir con capacidad de soportar temperaturas muy altas.


What military strength your talking about


ISs in zero ome for eagles and communications link processing missiles for both f-block and eagles
