NASA's Artemis 1 moonship returns to earth with splashdown in Pacific Ocean

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NASA is celebrating the successful return of its Artemis 1 moonship on Sunday. The unmanned Orion capsule splashed down in the Pacific Ocean about 350 miles south of San Diego. Mark Strassman reports.

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What are they gonna do if An Apollo 13 happened?


In regards to the Apollo Moon Hoax (From the film "In The Shadow of the Moon")
Alan Bean: "Some of the tabloids are saying that we did this in a hanger in Arizona. Maybe that would've been a good idea."
Michael Collins: "I don't know how I would grab someone by the collar who didn't believe and shake them and somehow change their mind."
David Scott: "Any significant event in history, somebody's had a conspiracy theory one way or the other."
Michael Collins: "I don't know two Americans who have a fantastic secret without one of them blurting it out to the press. Can you imagine thousands of people able to keep this secret?"
Charlie Duke: "We've been to the moon nine times. I mean, why did we fake it nine times if we faked it?"
Gene Cernan: "Truth needs no defense. Nobody, nobody can ever take those footsteps I made on the surface of the moon away from me."


Did it not get any footage or pix of the original landing sites?


Amazing how the technology was lost and they have to start completely over...


God. This is gonna be so worth it. It would be a waste if Nasa doesn't do the Artemis missions. They've been planning it for so long, and it would just be a waste of money if nasa didn't do it.


No concern of space dirt polluting the water?


I don't get it. We had SEVERAL successful splashdowns over FIFTY YEARS ago! And with far inferior technology. So why are they all talking about how great this is and worse, acting like this is the first time doing this? It's like making a wheel, then testing it and bragging how successful such test is. Just look at the technical archives. Embarassing!


We had Americans walking on the moon well over 50 years ago, so excuse me if I'm underjoyed with this unmanned trip.


정현조글을받아보신분들은이런훌륭한사람이지구생기고처음이자마지막일거라생각한사람이많읍니까세상사람바람을글로옳겨세상사람히망사항을글로옮겨7, 6현재2, 100창조완성나오기도전에증빙자료만연구해보고있지도않은말을기정사실인것처럼꾸며현옥시키면서인기몰이에빠저제정신이아닌것을느끼못할정도로증빙자료에중독이뒈어그름을옳음으로믿게만드는둔갑술거짓을진실인것처럼믿게만드는둔갑술꾸밈을사실인것처럼믿게만드는둔갑술상상만으로기정사실인것처럼나사하는것을보니까분명뭔가확실한기정사실화시킬수있는문서가있는거것같다는생각만으로미리선수처보내는본인을알리는작전사실인것처럼속여놓고창조완성증빙자료본인심재임한테알리지도않고천하만민앞에뚜껑열어공개하고있는꼴봐라내사역이단말이다얘가할수있느게뭐가있냐얘를나만큼아는사람이어디있냐나사본부심재임을통해확인시키려는것내놓으란말이다7, 6현재2, 100창조완성나오기전에무산시키고본인사역을만들어지구를정복하겠다는인간수명100년사람이창조주하나님처음이자마지막한번뿐인증빙자료를이런식으로악이용쓰레기를만들어내놓고내가이렇게훌륭한일을할수있는사람이다7, 6현재2, 100창조완성전혀모르는까막눈들칠푼이팔푼이들데리고본인이뭘아는것이있는것처럼거짓꾸밈성령교신기돈마음을녹이는글총동원정신병자를만들고있는것을알고도모르고도속수무책으로당하고있읍니까 2차가정모대표심재임올림


Newton was kept in India Bihar and the enemy was Churchill.


The surface of the sun is not 10, 000° - it's only 6000° 🙄


Going to the moon and space is very cool but I can not believe after 50 yrs later we are still going to space and the moon in the same way and the same type of rockets In 50 yrs we did not make a better type of space craft that can go to and from space


LoL, expensive test, well done NASA pfft.


7, 6현재2, 100창조완성가정안전보호불변규칙드립니다나는7, 6현재2, 100창조완성가정안전보호불변규칙을통해안전을보호받고사는가정에한사람입니다말씀읽고또읽고말씀대로규칙어김없이지키는가족이웃에게피해주지않는하늘로부터미움받지않는내욕심추가하지않는안전한삶이기를바랍니다 2차가정모대표심재임올림


A good test of comprehension and awareness and general understanding of one's self and the society around us is a test-question about the Moon Landings of 1969. People who do not believe that this was a true event that really happened, are aware of the manipulations around every one around them by the force that is governing and commanding our society and that force is present in every country in this world. That is why no country and no people have any real autonomy as evident in the fact that no one and not even Russia opposed the claim by the U.S. that the Moon Landings did happen despite the heights of the cold war at the time. This all governing and commanding force is evident again in the war in Russia vs. the rest of the western worlds as Russia is unable to use its military, despite having it, to defend its country.


Did anyone notice why editors chose not to show the actual splashdown (but a few frames afterward)? WHY?


Let me know when Trump Tower Deluxe Moon Casino Golf Course Luxury Spa Hotel is open.


Completely pointless IMO. The most important thing we learned from Apollo is that manned missions aren't worth the insane cost and risk. That's why they ended the program, and since they did they've been able to accomplish so much more with robotic missions. They've sent probes to every planet, and even landed one on Saturn's moon, Titan. And look at all the breathtaking images our rovers have taken of the surface of Mars. We have so much more left to accomplish, but it's all gonna happen at a snails pace now that they're spending billions on Artemis.

This is just a publicity stunt to excite the masses who just want to watch astronauts walk around on the moon.
