La prohibición de dispositivos electrónicos en vuelos a EU y GB

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Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña han implementado nuevas medidas para que pasajeros musulmanes no lleven laptops y tabletas electrónicas en los aviones, con el fin de evitar actos terroristas.
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Air safety is in danger with the proliferation of electronic devices on flights, both to the US and in the European community. Due to the increase in passengers in recent years, the controls are becoming faster and for the same reason less reliable. I believe that to prevent and avoid regretting accidents, it is necessary to be duly revolutionary and make radical changes in the rules of global air operation


do not share this video with regard to paranoids. The electronic devices themselves are dangerous because of the lithium batteries and the possibilities of camouflaging them inside to explosives for terrorist attacks. Simple variables to the operations of national and international flights could avoid catastrophes.
