Python for Beginners, Episode 8 [STATE, GAME LOOP]

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In Episode 8 about Python Basics for game development, we will learn about using STATE and the GAME LOOP to implement artificial intelligence in game development.

STATE is what makes video games work. The game looks at the current game STATE and applies rules based on it to choose what happens next. We will also learn about the GAME LOOP, which is the process of applying the same rules to every game. The GAME LOOP looks at the STATE to determine what to do next.

All episodes in this course:
Understanding Python and how to begin using it
Understanding FUNCTIONS and how to use them
Finishing up functions, and learning LOOPS
Learning Lists and imports and the biggest challenge of the series to test your new skills
Reviewing the BIG CHALLENGE and learning about web scraping
Finalizing Twitter Box Creation by making the data useful
Putting your skills to the test by having the web app we’ve built use Artificial Intelligence
Using STATE and the GAME LOOP to implement artificial intelligence in game development.

#Python #MachineLearning #WebDevelopment #GameDevelopment #AI #ArtificialIntelligence
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