Container Orchestration | Openshift | Kubernetes

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Containers have taken the world by storm! Many companies have begun to show a fervent interest in this next evolution on Virtual Machines. With a plethora of container definitions out there, let me just attempt to give a layman understanding of the term. Container, in simple terms, is something that helps your software run consistently irrespective of the underlying host environment. It ensures the predictability and compatibility of your application across the diverse landscape of infrastructure.

To exemplify this, let us suppose you borrow a movie from your friend but it is not compatible with your PC because you don’t have the video player to display it. Here comes the role of a container, which will fill in the deficit caused by the PC.

We, at Parkar, have seen how container orchestration using Kubernetes and OpenShift have immensely helped companies get on the fast-paced delivery and digital transformation journey. Let me attempt to break it down.

What really happens in production using containers?
Have you ever been to a symphony? An orchestra ? or a music concert?
You must have seen many artists doing what they do best and in the center would be the maestro managing the entire show. Now imagine in a production environment, you need to manage the containers that run the applications and ensure that there is no downtime.
Modern applications, especially the ones based on microservice architecture, usually contain multiple services (run in separate processes) and each is run in a separate container. Thus a single application contains multiple container-services and their multiple instances.

Think of a scenario where a container/service instance goes down. Ideally, another instance would need to start and serve in its place. How would you manually be able to keep track and handle this lag? Wouldn’t it be easier if this behavior was automated without any human intervention? This is exactly where container orchestration comes in and helps solve this problem.

Container orchestration is an automated process of managing, scheduling and balancing the workload on the container or containers for the applications. Container orchestration tools help in managing the containerized workloads and services.

The most widely used container orchestration platforms are Open Source Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and Enterprise Red Hat OpenShift. Kubernetes is the most popular orchestration tool out there and has kind of become a name in itself!

Our recent project involved us working on a PAAS platform where we built a Next Generation application mobilization platform involving OpenShift and Kubernetes. Using this platform, an API marketplace was created which facilitated access to data from legacy applications and enabled the creation of new applications in a rapid and scalable manner.

But Is Kubernetes enough in itself?

Kubernetes had become a brand name and perhaps is the most efficient of them all. However, Kubernetes is just a container orchestration tool, which also needs to be supplemented with an additional toolset for container registry, discovery, networking, monitoring services, and storage management. Building container-based applications require even more integration work with middleware, frameworks, databases, and CI/CD tools. To augment the base Kubernetes, Red Hat OpenShift combines all these auxiliaries into a single platform, and thus presents a more complete solution to DevOps.

Let us understand what Red Hat Openshift Platform is, shall we?
Red Hat OpenShift platform is a combination of Dev and Ops tools on top of Kubernetes to streamline application development, deployment, scaling, and long-term lifecycle maintenance for small and large teams in a consistent manner. In other words, it is ‘Kubernetes Platforms as a Service’.

What’s the big advantage of it? Red Hat OpenShift brings over the bare Kubernetes, meaning it lets teams start building, developing, deploying easily and quickly, in infrastructure agnostic way, i.e. whether in the cloud or on-premises.

What more does Red Hat OpenShift offer?
A lot, I would say! Here are some of the top benefits:

1. Full-stack automated operations
2. Developer Productivity
3. Built-in service mesh for microservices
4. A unified Kubernetes experience on any infrastructure!

In conclusion, the Red Hat OpenShift platform does simplify quite a lot of things for IT teams in terms of abstraction, efficiency, automation, and overall productivity. Albert Einstein had once quoted: ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’; and that quote rings true throughout this article, which is to say at every step there are tools to ease operations and to handle it most efficiently.

Parkar can help your organization in reaching your business goals. Contact us for more information about how we can make a difference.
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