What is Idiopathic Scoliosis?

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When a patient receives a diagnosis of scoliosis, they often do not understand what scoliosis is. Scoliosis is an unnatural sideways curvature of the spine with rotation. With a Cobb angle measurement of more than 10 degrees.

Idiopathic means unknown cause. When someone is diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis, it means there is no single cause associated with the development of scoliosis. Eighty percent of all diagnosed scoliosis cases are diagnosed as idiopathic, it is the largest group of scoliosis cases that exist, and there are many theories as to why scoliosis can occur in a child or adult. The other 20 percent may have known causes associated with developing scoliosis.

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is when scoliosis is diagnosed between 10-18 years of age. It is the most progressive of all types of idiopathic scoliosis because it is when kids go through the most growth. Scoliosis can range from many different severities because it is the amount of progression during growth that typically leads to what size scoliosis you will have.

Most cases of scoliosis are diagnosed during the adolescent stage as postural changes become visible. This asymmetry does not mean that is where the scoliosis will stay, especially pre-puberty. a child with a 30-degree curve that has not gone through puberty and is not experiencing pain is sometimes discarded by parents because they feel fine and just look a little different.

The most common type of scoliosis in the adult form is idiopathic scoliosis. It is either patients who knew they had scoliosis as an adolescent and are now in the adult form or patients who were never diagnosed in the adolescent stage but are now in the adult form experiencing pain and that is how they find out they have scoliosis.
The second most common type of scoliosis in adults is degenerative scoliosis. It is often diagnosed and explained as happening due to natural age-related spinal degeneration, but if that were natural, then every patient, when they reach old age, would have scoliosis. Even though adults are no longer growing, there is a progression in the adult stage, which is related to two things, the size of the curve and the age of the patient. Idiopathic scoliosis is most often diagnosed in adolescents due to postural asymmetry, whereas in adults, it is because of pain, as progression in the adult form is a result of gravity over time, and this compression over time causes pain in adults.

A common test used to determine if someone has scoliosis is called a forward Adams bending test. Along with a scoliometer, it can look at trunk rotation and postural deviations to see if there is a possible scoliosis occurring. The best way to detect scoliosis is through an X-ray to look at the spine itself and measure the Cobb angle to determine the severity.

Scoliosis cannot be cured, but it can be managed. We may not be able to find out what caused the scoliosis, but we can deal with the structural component to control the effect and rebuild the spine into a straightener alignment and control the effect it is having on the body. If we treat curves sooner and earlier in life, there is a great chance for reduction.

At the Scoliosis Reduction Center, we offer a comprehensive scoliosis assessment to find out if you have idiopathic scoliosis to treat the curve as early and as small as possible. We can also treat scoliosis patients whose curve has already worsened in later stages of life. The bottom line is the younger the patient and the smaller the curve, the better the results.

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00:00 What Is Scoliosis?
00:28 What Is Idiopathic?
02:30 Is Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Progressive?
04:17 Does Idiopathic Scoliosis Affect Adults As Well?
04:59 What Is Degenerative Scoliosis?
07:03 What Test Is Used To Diagnose Scoliosis?
08:56 Can Scoliosis Be Cured?
10:27 What We Offer At Scoliosis Reduction Enter

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Sorry doc..Unfortunately if i travel to your center at Florida, approximately how long(days) is it going to take for me to finish the clinic??


I didn’t find out I had scoliosis until I was 30 and had my 2 boy’s and I couldn’t stand the pain in my back. Doctors didn’t tell me much other than I have scoliosis. My neck is straight as well with pinched nerve and degenerative disc and bulging disc. I’m in so much pain from my neck to my entire arm and hand, thoracic spine, rib and scapula. I don’t know what to do and I have had to stop working. Ruining my life!!!
